[@Parfex] Yes, it makes SO much more sense now, but in that case your powers are more developed than hers but she's been military trained. But, in that case I would get together with Carlsberg and write up the battle that leads to the singularity, and then hint back to it in future posts. As for the rivalry, Dissonance get's her powers at about 22 and returns home where the two of you run into each other and the fight ensues. Afterwards, when Vega is dropped 4ish years in the future he finds his mother is dead, an empty grave for Adrian Hunter and learns that much of the populace believes that Impulse, or whatever you'll be going by before the jump, is believed dead since he went missing for the last 4 years. Upon his arrival in the current time Dissonance will have had the years to develop her powers more making her for sure more powerful than you. And when I mentioned God mode I didn't mean your power set. I meant that in the little synopsis you wrote about the fight between you and Dissonance that creates the singularity you used Dissonance and wrote out all actions for her. That is god-mode, when you use another players character and write their character's interactions. That's the big no-no, unless you have approval from that character's owner. And not the way I was thinking of writing the character it wouldn't. At 17/18 he acquires his powers and begins to fight crime. In his spare time he practices with his powers. After a few weeks or months of practicing he uses his powers on some enemy far stronger than him and in the process his powers go out of control creating the singularity which sucks him into it. With him sucked into the singularity it quickly collapses on itself and closes before any further damage is done. This puts you in the current timeline at 24, as you aged while in the singularity but your powers didn't improve any. You wake up 24 years old with the same level of power you had at 17/18, all while Dissonance has had the last 3 years of her life to develop her powers. That's pretty much what I've been thinking.