[hider=FENRIR] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/AekAgFY.png[/img] [color=9e0b0f][b]The Devil Wolf[/b][/color][hr] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/WNEqkfz.png[/IMG] [b]"Cut off a wolf's head, and it still has the power to bite."[/b] -[b][i]Hayao Miyazaki[/i][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjFPfkPsT3U]Judas Priest - Leather Rebel[/url] [/center] [hr] | [color=9e0b0f][b]Full Name[/b][/color] | Vasile Gunnar Țepeș Василе Гуннар Тепес | [color=9e0b0f][b]Nickname[/b][/color] | Almost every living relative refers to him as "Abomination," but when he was young his mother called him "Vaska." | [color=9e0b0f][b]Alias[/b][/color] | Fenrir | [color=9e0b0f][b]Birth Date[/b][/color] | 16 April, 1963 | [color=9e0b0f][b]Age[/b][/color] | 62, appears no older than early thirties. | [color=9e0b0f][b]Species[/b][/color] | Vampire Werewolf | [color=9e0b0f][b]Gender[/b][/color] | Male | [color=9e0b0f][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | Heterosexual | [color=9e0b0f][b]Alignment[/b][/color] | Chaotic Neutral | [color=9e0b0f][b]In-Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | Vasile is a large, powerfully-built man, standing 6'4" tall and weighing 255 pounds. He possesses typically Nordic features, such as strawberry blond hair, steel-blue eyes and a pale complexion. His hair is generally worn as a rough shag that hangs to the top of his shoulders, and more often than not he sports a thick, rough-cut beard. His teeth are a raw, bestial yellow, each one sharper than a normal man's, and his four eye teeth are exaggerated into true fangs. In darkness, his eyes shine with a sinister ruby light, like the reflective gaze of a nocturnal beast. While he has no tattoos or piercings, a great number of scars mark his hands, body and face; in particular, a branding in the shape of a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/6d/91/f3/6d91f32a023ffab92ea579314b35db31.jpg]Sun Cross[/url] is burned into his right shoulder blade. Vasile's taste in clothing is mostly utilitarian. He prefers anything that is cheap, durable and readily available. Denim and canvas jackets and jeans make up the majority of what he wears, along with any military surplus he can get his hands on. Hooded winter clothing, goggles and masks are valuable to him, as they allow him to cover his skin enough to survive daylight. Despite his preference for function over form, Vasile enjoys such items as quality sunglasses, boots and leather jackets. Any time he can acquire one of these items he cherishes them greatly, and mourns them when they are inevitably lost or destroyed. | [color=9e0b0f][b]Abilities[/b][/color] | As both a vampire and a werewolf, Vasile possesses the powers of both races, which form an unholy synergy that propel him to strength unmatched by either. A member of the living dead, his skin is cool and unpleasantly dry to the touch, and he possesses no pulse nor body heat. Vasile has no need to eat, sleep or breathe, and he is unafflicted by age, disease, poison, cold, and many other mortal weaknesses. His physical strength, speed and durability are all superhuman, allowing him to twist steel with his bare hands, move faster than a human eye can track, or shrug off seemingly mortal wounds. His natural fortitude also protects his mind from a variety of psychic attacks or mind control. His regenerative ability is prodigious, as most flesh wounds heal within minutes, and even a debilitating injury will only keep him down for a few hours at most. His senses are supernaturally keen, his sense of smell being the most powerful among them. Vasile can move in complete silence if he chooses to, and he can see clearly even in complete darkness. He commands some power over the natural world, able to commune with, summon or spiritually possess beasts, and can inspire or quell primal rage in other animals, werewolves or vampires. He is capable of transforming his human shape, taking on such bestial characteristics as wicked talons or batlike wings. His claws and fangs are the weapons of a supernatural hunter, and as such inflict exaggerated damage against creatures that are magical or supernatural in nature. His bite carries both the curses of lycanthropy and vampirism, which when inflicted upon a person are incompatible and invariably result in the death of the infected. Any normal human bitten by him that survives is doomed to suffer a painful death as the two curses tear their body apart, unless they can quickly be cured or treated for the curses. As a skinchanger, Vasile can completely change his form in a process that is utterly natural to his kind. He can assume the form of a normal wolf, stocky in build, with reddish-grey fur. He retains most of his human reasoning in this form, but his instincts tend to assume more control over his actions. More infamously, Vasile can take on the form of the "[url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/88/bd/cd/88bdcda4423ba14d2faa540bbf0249a6.jpg]Devil Wolf[/url]," a horrifying monster that is somewhere between man and wolf. A creature of pure muscle and unrestrained fury, Vasile's physical prowess becomes ever more potent in this form, but he loses all sense of reason, giving in fully to the raging Beast within him. Any weak-willed humans that witness the Devil Wolf are overcome with a primal survival instinct that sends them into a state of blind panic and terror, with their minds usually blocking out the memory of the Devil Wolf when it subsides. The howl of the Devil Wolf can carry this psychological effect over a considerable distance, or when directed at a single person can inspire utterly immobilizing terror. | [color=9e0b0f][b]Limitations[/b][/color] | As Vasile possesses the powers of both a vampire and a werewolf, he has also inherited all of their weaknesses. Sunlight is known to many as the natural enemy of vampires, and Vasile is no exception to this. On contact with his flesh, sunlight blackens and painfully sears his flesh, which melts away with prolonged exposure. While his regeneration is powerful enough for him to survive limited exposure, if he is ever utterly exposed, he will be trapped in a torturous cycle of burning and regenerating until the sun sets or his regeneration gives out. Only true sunlight is harmful to him, but artificial ultraviolet light can be used to temporarily blind him. Silver is an utterly toxic substance for Vasile, as looking at him inflicts him with a headache, and it leaves blisters on contact with his skin. Wounds inflicted by silver weapons, in addition to being debilitatingly painful, cannot be healed at the unnatural rate of his other wounds, and form toxic, festering wounds. Fire, another bane of vampires, has similar effects, and any flame that Vasile subconsciously considers to be too large or too close triggers intense pyrophobia in him. Hot or molten silver carries both of these effects, and there is little Vasile can do to defend against it. As a vampire, Vasile must drink blood to survive, and struggles with the overwhelming desire to feed that is natural to his kind. If he goes without drinking blood, his powers will fail, his strength with flag, and eventually he will fall into a deathlike torpor. Similarly, the full moon weakens his control over his transformations, and while exposed to it there is the chance of the slightest provocation causing him to slip into his Devil Wolf form. However, more dangerous than any of Vasile's physical weaknesses are the psychological ones within him. Vasile fights a constant battle against the Beast, the primal, alien intelligence deep within him that drives his predatory instincts. While he has enough control over it to live comfortably day-to-day, emotional conditions such as stress and rage weaken his resistance to its control. Vasile is most susceptible to giving into the whims of the Beast when in battle, especially when he has been wounded, and even more so when he has been exposed to one of his supernatural banes. As the Beast takes over his body from his higher mind, Vasile becomes more violent and aggressive, less concerned with distinguishing friend and foe, becomes more likely to accidentally transform into a more bestial shape, and will eventually have no thought other than feeding and surviving. If the Beast fully assumes control, Vasile slips into an insane frenzy, reminiscent of an ultra-violent "fight or flight" reaction. | [color=9e0b0f][b]Equipment[/b][/color] | Vasile travels lightly. He generally keeps on him a few changes of clothes, a bedroll, a hunting knife, an assortment of falsified documents such as driver's licenses and passports, and a variety of other camping and survival equipment. | [color=9e0b0f][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] | -Honest -Direct -Individualistic -Cunning -Untactful -Vengeful -Cynical -Tenacious | [color=9e0b0f][b]Personality[/b][/color] | Despite the drama and intrigue that surrounds his existence, Vasile is a relatively simple person. He is direct and open in nearly all of his dealings, as he can think of no great benefit that deception would grant him. Unafraid to speak his mind, Vasile makes no great effort to be overly civil or polite. He will be warm toward his friends, cold and distrustful toward strangers, and hostile toward his enemies-- simplicity itself. While far from the most educated man, Vasile certainly possesses a great degree of cunning and resourcefulness, and it is a fatal mistake to assume that he is unintelligent for being a vagrant raised in the woods. Vasile is no longer afraid of what he is, but he is still constantly aware of it. He knows that he is an impending danger to most around him, and takes efforts to minimize the risk he poses to others, such as living alone and constantly being on the move. This is not done out of some great sense of altruism, but just as a means of surviving by avoiding attention and unnecessary conflict. That is not to say that he does not sometime act irrationally out of his passionate desire for revenge against the house of Dracula. | [color=9e0b0f][b]Quirks[/b][/color] | -Speaks several languages. -Not good at reading, and struggles with basic arithmetic. -Generally ignorant to most vampire and werewolf cliches. | [color=9e0b0f][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] | -Attending heavy metal concerts. -Hunting and eating interesting animals. -Traveling to new places, squatting there, and being a drain on society. | [color=9e0b0f][b]Likes[/b][/color] | -Clear, cloudless nights. -Classic hair metal. -Dark, bitter beer. -Pork. -Leather jackets. -Spanish women. | [color=9e0b0f][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] | -Most modern technology. -Crowds. -Dense urban areas. -People who wear too much perfume. -Overcooked meat. -Hungarians. | [color=9e0b0f][b]Fears[/b][/color] | -Fire. -Losing control in public. -Being enslaved as his father was. | [color=9e0b0f][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color] | Vasile was born in Hoia Baciu, Romania. He currently lives as a vagrant, wandering across Europe. | [color=9e0b0f][b]Family[/b][/color] | -Mother: Mina Țepeș. Vampire childer of Dracula, she currently resides within Castle Dracula, but is known to roam the greater area of Transylvania. Cut ties with Vasile after being forced to give him up. -Father: Gunnar Voll. Werewolf slave of Mina Tepes, current status unknown. Likely dead. -Grandfather: Vlad Țepeș. Dracula, the lord of all vampires. Resides within Castle Dracula. Considers Vasile to be an unspeakable shame to his house and his legacy, and wishes him dead. | [color=9e0b0f][b]History[/b][/color] | Vampires are strange and fickle creatures, and becoming ever more so as they advance in age and status among their kind. Mina Țepeș, the noble daughter of Vlad Țepeș (better known as Dracula) and heir apparent to the lordship of all vampires, was far from an exception. Her immortal life was so rich with luxury and pleasure that she desired ever more obscure and debase experiences to keep her endless nights interesting. For this reason, Gunnar Voll piqued her interest. A "gift" bestowed to Mina by a lesser vampire vying for her favor, Voll was a werewolf slave that had been captured in the cold reaches of northern Norway. Entranced by Mina's supernatural charms and bound by heavy, silver chains, Voll was kept as a "pet hound" that was sometimes used to fight for the entertainment of Mina and her noble sire, or taken out on hunting expeditions. However, in this case Mina desired even more disturbing entertainment. Her increasing lust for debauchery drove Mina to share an unholy tryst with Voll, an act that brought a new, unprecedented horror into the world. In violation of all sense and reason, Mina found her undead body growing pregnant after her disturbing affair. While it should have been impossible for the cursed flesh of a vampire to bear new life, she theorized that the unnatural vitality of the werewolf allowed her to bear a child. The pregnancy was kept a secret, and after nine months Mina birthed her unholy spawn. A disgusting thing somewhere between a human baby and a wolf cub, Mina's brood was born blind, hairless, and dead. It was not stillborn, however, and just minutes after birth latched on with needle-like fangs to suckle blood from Mina's cold breast. Further intrigued by the idea of motherhood, particularly over such an unspeakable aberration, Mina kept the creature and raised it in secrecy. She named the monster, her son, Vasile, "King," as it was surely the most monstrous thing to ever walk the earth. Vasile grew alarmingly fast, and at two months of age was able to variably shift between the shapes of a human and a wolf. He ran around on two legs or four interchangeably, a rambunctious ball of fur and energy that caused havoc wherever he went, and consumed an alarming amount of blood and raw meat ("donated" by Mina's stable of human cattle). However, a child is a difficult thing to keep secret, particularly one that is vampire and werewolf at once. By the time Vasile was four years old, Lord Dracula had come to learn of his existence, and was disgusted beyond belief. He ordered for the abomination to be destroyed and never spoken of again, as it was an affront to even the unholiness of vampire kind. Acting more out of childish rebellion than motherly instinct, Mina protected the child from her father's wrath, and handed him off to a band of Romani gypsies, who took him in as one of their own. Before Dracula realized what had happened, Vasile was out of his grasp, and the abomination had been unleashed into the world. For most of his youth Vasile traveled with the gypsy caravans, stealing to survive and hunting down his meals in the ancient forests of Europe. He wandered across the continent, experiencing many cultures (earning the scorn of most), and learning many tongues, as well as the skills needed for a nomadic lifestyle. It was in his turbulent youth that he came to understand what he was, slowly learning from his own strange abilities and unnatural compulsions, as well as the fear and scorn from both humans and other supernatural creatures he encountered. He eventually learned from a forest spirit of his true heritage, and that he was the bastard of House Dracula and the Fenrisúlfr, a tribe of werewolves in the frozen reaches of Scandinavia. Already outcast by the blood of his mother, he struck out on his own to find his father's kin, hoping to find acceptance among their pack. The journey was long and arduous, but Vasile survived it by forming bonds and contracts with many faerie courts and witch covens throughout northern Europe. He eventually tracked down the Fenrisúlfr, who lived as wildmen in the glacial fjords. Recognizing him for the abomination that he was, the Fenrisúlfr cared nothing for the blood Vasile shared with them. With a surprise attack, they bound Vasile and prepared to sacrifice him as an offering to their archaic gods. The young Vasile then underwent his First Change, a momentous and ritualized occasion to any young Werewolf, grotesquely perverted by his circumstances. Vasile assumed the form of the Devil Wolf for the first time, and was easily able to overpower the Fenrisúlfr. Those that survived fled in fear, cursing Vasile as they ran away. Now truly alone in the world, Vasile spent months alone in the Norwegian wilderness, contemplating his place in the world. He thought of the ancient legend of Fenrir, the wolf for which his father's tribe took their name. Born a monster, he was bound by the gods out their fear for his strength, and he was hated eternally by man and god alike. Vasile identified with the story, for he too was born a damned soul by no fault of his own. He took up the name of Fenrir for himself, and from that point on lived for the approval of none but himself. For decades, Vasile wandered Europe much as he had done as a youth, passing himself off as a common vagrant. He learned all he could about himself and the world around him. With focus and steely determination, he brought his animalistic side under control, vowing to not be the monster that everyone had assumed he was. He worked odd jobs, squatted in old castles and abandoned homes, or slept in the woods when there was no better option. Despite his best efforts to go unnoticed, rumors of the Abomination spread in his wake, and many wished him dead for a variety of reasons. Dracula sent assassins after him, werewolf packs sought to cleanse him from the world, and even common mortal hunters desired to slay the foulest of all monsters. Vasile avoided them where he could, and killed them without hesitation when that failed. Despite his efforts to leave his past behind, he still harbored a burning coal of anger in his heart toward House Dracula, who enslaved his father and was the reason for his damned existence. To help soothe his desire for revenge, he hunts down vampire covens with the help of his various underground contacts, and destabilizes Dracula's operations wherever he can find them. This has only increased the vampire lord's ire toward him, but he considers it to be worth it for the small measure of peace it brings him. | [color=9e0b0f][b]Extra[/b][/color] | King, GMT-6, something something A-Game [sub]Face Claim: Paul Levesque[/sub] [/hider]