[center][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Af2_uwssDH4/Vu1QBS7sPSI/AAAAAAAAFOM/WcDP5680H70/w480-h687/FB_IMG_1458336737887.jpg[/img][h1][color=a0410d]Raylan Elisha Wilcox [/color][/h1] [i][u]Location: Gutter outside of Raylan's favorite bar. - - - > basement with everyone else. [/u] [u]Interacting With:[/u]??? [/i][/center] [hr][hr] [color=a0410d] "Oh dear G-d. That got... Outta hand."[/color] Raylan said as he rubbed his jaw, no doubt from a fight he couldn't remember. It took him more than a few minutes to get his head together. As he moved himself against the nearest wall. He pulled out what remained from his pack of cigarettes and lit one. After taking a deep drag, he tried to put the events of last night together. It was only supposed to be one beer, but then things got out of hand. One was too many, but one more wasn't enough for him.  He checked his pockets to see what was left. He somehow had all the money he had left with. Either he had skipped out on his tabbed or however long he played for paid for all his drinks last night. Either way his guitar wasn't with him.  He slowly got his feet, the effects of night before were still very real. Each step was as drunk as the last. He forced himself to walk as best he could till the back door of the bar was in reach. He tried to open it, only find it was locked. Raylan thought to use his powers to open the door but decided against. As turned to leave the door opened and out step the bar keep.  She was an attractive woman in her mid twenty, blond, with form fitting clothing.  [color=a0410d] "Raylan? You look like hell." She said not at all surprised. "Guess the numbers game got the better of you, eh?" " I guess. How many were there?" [/color] Raylan said with slightly slurred speech.  She laughed before speaking. [color=a0410d]"There were four of them Raylan. One got away alright but the other three aren't gonna be doing a lot for awhile. You sure you're okay?" " Yeah, I'm good. You got my guitar?" [/color]Raylan asked doing what he could to get the focus off his well being.  [color=a0410d] "Yeah we got behind the bar. Put your tab on the ones you got into it with. You need a ride?" "I could use one. Institute just outside of town."[/color]Raylan said looking at her with sad defeated eyes. "Alright, give me a few minutes." She said with a sigh. Raylan slowly staggered to her car, he leaned against it and continued smoking. That's when he realized, the sun had only just started to come up. He just might make it back before anyone woke up. Although, he had no doubt he was gonna get an earful from Old Man Ghost and the others.  As the bar keep came out she looked at Raylan for moment before saying anything. "You know, I've known you over a year and I don't know of a thing about you. Just that you live at that creepy Institute. You seem like a time bomb waiting to go off." She said with a slightest hint of fear. The situation she was about to get into finally hitting her. "You got nothing to worry about. I just... Wanna get to the Institute without getting into trouble." Raylan said halfway willing to walk at this point. "Alright... Hop in." The ride was silent. Raylan didn't really have a need to say anything. It almost made the bartender more nervous. When the pulled up to the front gate. Raylan thanked her and left a twenty for the ride. As she pulled away, Raylan made his way passed the gate and straight to the kitchen he went. When he was done cleaning up after himself. He knew the reasonable thing to do was to head down to the basement and get ready for the day. That was the reasonable and responsible thing to do. Even knowing that, it wasn't what the going to do. The stench of alcohol was gonna be on him. There was nothing he could do about it. The only thing he could do was get cleaned up and try not look like he had been on the bender the just got off of. As he looked into the mirror he could see the bruises start to form. The trophies of last night's battle. He looked terrible, but it wasn't the worst he ever looked. With a deep sigh, Raylan knew it was time to face the music. He made his way down to the towards the basement. With each step a voice in the back of head told him to run. To just turn around and go to sleep. Before this was over he was gonna wish he had listen. Another cigarette and cup of coffee later. He was finally ready. He had brought a fresh cup with him when he entered the range. As he entered the range he waved at everyone. "Morning. Sorry I'm late Frank, I Uh, got distracted." That was going to be his only excuse.