[center][h2][i][color=ed1c24]Prologue[/color][/i][/h2][/center] [i]Many years ago, the Druids foretold a great prophecy. They saw the burning of the Four Nations at the hands of a child born with magic. Upon the wings of Dragons, the child and all his followers would change the fate of the Four Nations as a whole. Fearing the Druid’s prophecy, the three of the four Kings issued a proclamation. Magic was outlawed. Those who practiced magic would be hunted down and eradicated. The Great Purge began in the First Kingdom, Darrodell. High King Arnidas sent his troops across the lands. Thousands perished. Any family known to practice magic was driven out or slaughtered. Dragons were a main target. The once revered beasts were hunted far and wide, until no more remained. Soon, the other kingdoms followed suit. High King Athretes allied with Arnidas with the Second Kingdom, Marsote after only a few months. Soon, King Leoni of the Third Kingdom of Serdel also joined the Purge. Only the High Queen of the Fourth Kingdom of Randma, Kaelyn, showed mercy. Refusing to slaughter her own people, she allowed those in her kingdom born with magic to live. Many fled to Randma for safety from the other kingdoms. Queen Kaelyn’s refusal to follow the King's proclamations did not come without cost; however. War ensued. For twenty long years, Randma was attacked time and time again. If Kaelyn would not submit, then her people would be destroyed. Those who had once found solace with the Queen soon found themselves victims of war. The three Kings marched against Randma, destroying those with magic, and those without it. In a final battle against the Three Kingdoms, High Queen Kaelyn called to her all the magic she could find within the kingdom. A great barrier was placed around the Capital, Aurora. At the edge of the Four Kingdoms, and with nowhere left to go, the barrier kept the Kings at bay. What had once been a bastion of hope lay in ruins after the Twenty Year War. Elves were driven to distant shores. Dragons were all but extinct. Magic was forbidden in all the lands. Randma was forgotten, and soon the once proud lands were no more than forbidden wilds. Centuries passed. History became legend, and those who once knew the tales of magic were all but forgotten.-[/i] [center][h2][i][color=ed1c24]Synopsis[/color][/i][/h2][/center] [i] One hundred years after the Purge turned the kingdom of Randma into nothing more than forbidden wilds, a group of adventurers find themselves on an epic journey. Encountering creatures and people thought long extinct, these brave souls must find the courage to save their people. To do so, they must bring magic back into a world that chased it out.[/i] Our story will begin in Blackwood, the forest that marks the beginning of the Forbidden Wilds and thought to be no more than a dangerous forest that stretches for hundreds of miles. Somehow, your character(s) find themselves in the Blackwood. You may post how your character(s) got there in your opening post, or you might reveal small details throughout the RP as glimpses of your character(s)'s past. It's up to you. [center][h2][i][color=ed1c24]Character Creation[/color][/i][/h2][/center] Interested parties may play one of the below races. [hider=Elves] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/56/4a/f6/564af63daa3dc463d7c0d6a9b98db1fe.jpg[/img] Elves are the epitome of grace and beauty. Often long-lived and naturally connected to the magics of the realm, elves were once thought of as beings to be idolized. Throughout the centuries, elves have been the lead in many stories, legends, and myths. However, after the Purge, the Elves were thought to have been driven out entirely. Elves are cunning, intelligent, and sure-footed. [color=ed1c24]Inherent Abilities[/color] [color=fff200]Light Bending[/color]: Some elves are born with the ability to bend the light around themselves. Those who master this art are able to seemingly disappear from sight in a moment's notice, or turn an area completely black. [color=fff200]Shadow Jumping[/color]: Shadow Jumping is easiest for the Dark Elves of the land. With it, they are able to travel long distances in an instant, jumping into the shadow of one object and appearing from the shadow of the next. This ability makes them often seem incredibly fast, and allows the user to appear anywhere a shadow falls. [/hider] [hider=Humans] [img]http://i670.photobucket.com/albums/vv66/Vaugen_photos/SciFi_Fantasy_Races-Humans_lidem_jp.jpg[/img] Humans are the most wide-spread of the races, stretching in untold numbers from all corners of the lands. Humans are known for their adaptability and strong survival instincts. Though short lived, they are often praised in songs and legends for their heroic deeds and ingenuity. [color=ed1c24]Inherent Abilities[/color] [color=fff200]Toughness:[/color] Just when one thinks a human is down for the count, they surprise you. Their incredible will to survive has seen humans live through wounds that would have normally killed a lesser man or woman. [color=fff200]Strength of Will:[/color] Humans, though not inherently magic by nature, possess a strange quality. Their tendency to be strong-willed makes it extremely difficult to alter their minds. This is the reason many stories of humans who have suffered such an altered state seem to only happen once a human has been through severe torture and pain.[/hider] [hider=Druids] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/nwn2/images/0/0d/PHB35_PG34_WEB.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20051217032533[/img] Druids are a mystery, even to most other races. Nomadic and often human in appearance, they are the fortunetellers and soothsayers of the realm. Once revered and worshiped as the messengers of the Gods themselves, Druids were nearly driven extinct during the Purge. Though some still practice as medicine healers and traveling shows in secret, most druids have long-since abandoned the remaining kingdoms in favor of hiding in the wilds of the Forbidden Lands. [color=ed1c24]Inherent Abilities:[/color] [color=fff200]Shapeshifting:[/color] Because of their strong ties to nature and the Gods themselves, some druids are born with the ability to change their form from human to animal. They are typically only able to change into a specific animal; however, and some druid clans are made up entirely of people who can change into that specific animal. (i.e: wolf, bear, deer, hawk. NO dragon forms) [color=fff200]Whispering:[/color] Druids are often given the ability to speak with the animals. Through their knowledge of the Gods, and with their grace, they are able to call upon the animals to aid them when needed. There are even some stories of druids who called forth armies of animals to help aid in battles long since faded into myth.[/hider] [hider=Demons] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a7/7b/f1/a77bf1a8ee6b0206d9bb59ea12a09f0e.jpg[/img] Often told as stories to scary children, Demons have been hailed as born evil. This; however, is not true. Although demons often have strange aspects such as horns, wings, claws, fangs, and other animal-like qualities, they are not necessarily evil by nature. Often called the children of shadows, they are a long-lived race; even longer than the elves with some. Though they are able to mask their demonic side to appear more human, every demon is born different. [color=ed1c24]Inherant Abilities[/color] [color=fff200]Glamour:[/color] Some demons have the ability to create illusions. This can be as simple as hiding their true form, or as ornate as tricking the mind of the enemy into seeing something that's not there... or not seeing something in plain sight. [color=fff200]Berserk:[/color] Some demons have what's known as the Rage. With this ability, their strength and skill doubles. Often, it is extremely hard to break a demon out of their Rage, and even harder to kill one in it. This has lead to the belief that demons are nearly impossible to kill, as a demon in the middle of a Rage will keep fighting even when mortally wounded. [/hider] [hider=Centaur] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/confan/images/e/ee/Centaur_Danaan.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090519061040[/img] Centaur; the Horse Lords. Centaur are nomadic tribespeople who tend to stay out of the affairs of the other races. Built for speed and endurance, they are warriors and hunters, and often serve as messengers between the tribes. In the years after the Purge, the Centaur clans have dwindled severely. Now most serve as messengers and even guards for what remains of the Forbidden Lands, traveling from place to place and serving those they deem worthy. Pride and honor are the center of the Centaur culture, and for this reason, many centaur have spent their life in self-servitude to someone with whom they owe a life-debt. [color=ed1c24]Inherent Abilities[/color] [color=fff200]Swiftness[/color]: Centaur are able to run at incredible speeds, and their agility allows them to do so even in the most dense of forests. Their speed is unmatched by any beast known to man, save the dragons themselves. [color=fff200]Foresight:[/color] Some Centaur are able to tune into the Aether; the lands of the afterlife, and see into a person's future. Though these events are not always completely accurate, it has been Centaurian druids who have foreseen the events of many disasters.[/hider] [hider=Dwarf] [img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/a8c2/f/2010/068/4/c/amfisbena___dwarf_by_gabahadatta.jpg[/img] Dwarves are a hearty race. Great miners and craftsmen, they are as strong as the very mountains from where they come. Dwarves tend to keep to themselves, and are thought to be extinct. No dwarf has been seen in the lands in over two hundred years. It was said that the great weapons of the past were dwarf-forged, and that even a dagger crafted by a dwarven blacksmith was strong enough to pierce dragon hide. [color=ed1c24]Inherant Abilities[/color] [color=fff200]Mettle and Stone:[/color] Dwarves had the uncanny ability to not only forge weapons, but also to dig quickly into the earth. Some claim it to be alchemy. Others say that a Dwarf's ties to the stones in which he spends his life allows him to control metal to his every whim.[/hider] [hider=Orcs] [img]http://i.imgur.com/xLTuvPB.jpg[/img] During the dark times, Orcs became known as bandits and murderers throughout the lands. After the Purge, what remained of the Orc population either died out, or went into hiding within the deeps of the realms. They are a tribal people, valuing strength and honor above war and destruction. No longer forced to murder, Orcs have begun to change. Over the last hundred years, they have started to look more and more human, though their skin tones still remain somewhere between deep green and black. [color=ed1c24]Inherent Abilities[/color] [color=fff200]Infrasion:[/color] Orcs have spent most of their lives in the deeps of the world. For this reason, they are able to use their keen sight in total darkness to locate their enemy. While using Infrasion, Orcs can see the body heat of any living creature they look upon. [color=fff200]Shadow Melding:[/color] Orcs are able to meld into the shadows. Unlike Shadow Jumping, the Orc is able to control the shadow as an extension of their own body. By stepping into a shadow, they can contort it to strangle the life out of an enemy without ever getting close enough to be seen, so long as the enemy stands within that same shadow.[/hider] [hider=Dragons] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f2/3e/90/f23e90273bb7abd5a5cafcb2c3f2f469.jpg[/img] Dragons. Throughout the history of the land, they were revered and feared. Large, powerful, wise; they were often sought after for advice or even aid. When the Purge began, dragons were nearly hunted to extinction. None have been seen since the Purge, and many believe that the dragons have left the shores of the four kingdoms, or died entirely. All dragons are able to take human form. [color=ed1c24]Inherent Abilities:[/color] [color=fff200]Gab:[/color] Dragons are able to understand, speak, and even read nearly any language they come in contact with. This was one reason many were once sought after for transcribing ancient runes. [color=fff200]Aesthesis:[/color] One thing dragons were able to do was keep one of their abilities when in human form that they had in dragon form. Whether this be shooting fire, or flying, they were able to tap into a unique ability they only had when they were in dragon form otherwise.[/hider] [hider=Magus] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/7e/2e/0f/7e2e0f3a3a64357d82956acef86436c5.jpg[/img] The Magus. Skilled in the art of the elements, a Magus could control one, and sometimes two, elements. Most only focused on one element, as harnessing two different elements was extremely dangerous. The elements controlled by the Magus ranged from Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, and Lightning. By calling upon these elements, they were able to cast powerful spells to destroy their enemy. [color=ed1c24]Inherent Abilities[/color] [color=fff200]Elementalist:[/color] A Magus would call upon the very element they controlled to become that element. Often these Elementals were powerful, and extremely hard to kill. However, if a Magus stayed in this state for too long, they risked permanently becoming an Elemental. [color=fff200]Resurgence:[/color] Resurgence allows the Magus to recoup his energy after a long battle. This makes Magus particularly tricky, because although it can only be used once a day, the ability to keep going for hours turned the tides in many wars.[/hider] [b]You may play up to two characters[/b] during this RP. Each character will be limited to one inherent ability and three acquired abilities. (The exception to this will be the Guardians, whose powers and abilities are pre-set when in dragon form.) [b]All acquired abilities must[/b] be approved before they are useable. [b][color=ed1c24][center][h2]The Dragonlords[/h2][/center][/color][/b] (Note: First names and genders of the Dragonlords can be changed depending on player preference. Dragonlords will not know they are such until later in the RP. Each one is a descendant of an Old God, though they are unaware of this as well.) Dragonlords. They're names have been sung as legends, though now they are known only as myths. These beings were once thought so powerful that one was said to have leveled an entire city. According to myth, only one Dragonlord is born at a time. They are capable of speaking to dragons, and even have some capabilities as dragons. One Dragonlord was once said to possess the ability to create a toxic fog that caused his enemies to fall into a permanent sleep. Little is known about Dragonlords today; however. Most have never even heard of them, as those who once knew of the power of the Dragonlords were slain, and their memories forgotten. What happens, one wonders, when there is not one Dragonlord, but four? What purpose do the Gods have for so many? The Return of the Dragonlords is nigh, and the world will be forever changed. [s][color=6ecff6]Kynna of the Heavens (Female)[/color][/s] Daughter of [hider=The God of Heaven, Arvas] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/bd/9a/9f/bd9a9f2508796f04d49330d7474d0f2c.jpg[/img] Once widely revered by many races, the God of Heaven has rules the afterlife for untold years. Benevolent and true, he has heard the cries of his people. Although his name has been outlawed since the Purge, he has given life to a single daughter in the realms. His name will be known once again....One way, or another.[/hider] [hider=Possible Abilities] The abilities listed below correlate to the element and God of the Heavens himself. Abilities will be listed in the character sheet creation. Please note that these are [u]merely examples[/u] of abilities, and you [u]are free to either use them or create your own[/u]. [color=6ecff6]Healing:[/color] The ability to heal wounds with the pass of a hand, though to begin with it will remain accidental and surprising. It also drains a good deal of energy to do so with larger, more serious wounds. [color=6ecff6]Visions:[/color] The ability to see flashes of the future. These often come in the form of dreams or merely really strong hunches and may not even be realized until later on.[/hider] [color=0072bc]Argoth of the Rain (Male)[/color] Son of [hider=The Goddess of the Rains, Mairi] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/64/b7/27/64b7272dfd41c2855ee15a9ff312977d.jpg[/img] She was once praised and prayed to by everyone from fishermen to farmers. Now, she has heard the cries of her people. Like the God of Heaven, her name has been outlawed. Secretly leaving her only son with a couple on the earth, she has watched him grow. Now, it is time for him to discover his destiny, and once again bring back the Old Gods to save their people from certain death.[/hider] [hider=Possible Abilities] The abilities listed below correlate to the element and Goddess of Water herself. Abilities will be listed in the character sheet creation. Please note that these are [u]merely examples[/u] of abilities, and you [u]are free to either use them or create your own[/u]. [color=0072bc]Water Walking:[/color] The ability to walk on water as if it were solid ground. [color=0072bc]Breath:[/color] The ability to breathe under water. He is also able to give others this same ability. [color=0072bc]Rain Calling:[/color] The ability to make it rain. [/hider] [s][color=00a651]Avelle of the Earth (Female)[/color][/s] Daughter of [hider=The God of Earth, Djan] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d4/b1/5c/d4b15c3b1d6ad48eab237f303bd0baa2.jpg[/img] The God of Earth was once praised by nearly every person within the realms. Known for stopping natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanoes, Djan once had mighty temples built in his honor. Now, the earth itself cries, and he has given life to a daughter whose destiny is to stop those tears.[/hider] [hider=Possible Abilities] The abilities listed below correlate to the element and God of Earth himself. Abilities will be listed in the character sheet creation. Please note that these are [u]merely examples[/u] of abilities, and you [u]are free to either use them or create your own[/u]. [color=00a651]Earth Calling[/color] The ability to call forth plants such as vines, thorns, and even trees to aid in battle. [color=00a651]Shatter[/color]: The ability to cause a small earthquake in a particular area, though this is limited to only a few yards away from the person.[/hider] [color=c4df9b]Syn of the Shadow (Male)[/color] The son of [hider=The God of Abyss, Ral] [img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/0183/f/2010/099/d/9/the_god_of_death_by_asahimanyou.jpg[/img] Once prayed to as often as the God of Heaven, Ral has not heard many prayers since the Purge. Guiding souls of the dead is his job. Yet since he has been forgotten, he has not gathered many. So many souls from wars and death are stuck between the gates, and he no longer has the power to guide them. Now, his son must renew his energy, and help the others stop what is beginning to break loose.[/hider] [hider=Possible Abilities] The abilities listed below correlate to the element and God of Earth himself. Abilities will be listed in the character sheet creation. Please note that these are [u]merely examples[/u] of abilities, and you [u]are free to either use them or create your own[/u]. [color=c4df9b]Death Grasp[/color] It happens in blind rage. The touch of his skin becomes toxic, causing a person's heart to stop as though they simply fell asleep and never woke up. For this reason, he must always wear gloves to protect the innocent. [color=c4df9b]Spirit Calling[/color]: Able to call upon the spirits of the dead, he uses his song to control them. This comes in handy for a fight, but also to help the spirits cross over, for once their job is done, the spirit my finally rest in peace.[/hider] [center][color=ed1c24][b][h2]Dragonlord Counterparts[/h2] (The Guardians)[/b][/color][/center] (Note: First names and genders of the counterparts may be changed due to player preference.) The counterparts of the Dragonlords are guardians. They are Celestial Dragons sent by the Gods themselves to watch over their children. However, they cannot reveal that the Dragonlords are children of the Gods. Each Guardian corresponds with one of the Dragonlords and has the ability to take on human (or whatever race they choose) form. (Which is preferred when traveling). [s][color=6ecff6] Dragneel, the Life Bringer (Male)[/color][/s] [hider=Dragon Form] Please note that you [b]can[/b] choose a different image of a white dragon if you choose during character creation. [img]http://raven-conspiracy.weebly.com/uploads/2/2/4/1/22417176/s846020631383280177_p25_i1_w600.jpeg[/img] Like all dragons, Dragneel in his dragon form is hard to kill. He can fly long distances in this form, but has been cautioned that to do so it to potentially risk exposure to a world where his kind are not welcome. [b][color=ed1c24]Abilities in Dragon Form[/color][/b] Please note that these abilities are set. You may ask for up to one more ability other than the listed below, but they need to be approved first. [color=6ecff6]Heaven's Breath[/color]: Like all dragons, Dragneel has a special breath ability. Unlike most dragons, however, who typically breathe fire, Dragneel's breath is different. Heaven's Breath is the ability the God of Heaven himself gave. It forms a strange silver mist around his enemies and encases them in crystal. Dragneel can then eat those crystals to rejuvenate his strength. [color=6ecff6]Farsight:[/color] A dragon is born with keen sight. Dragneel's Farsight ability allows him to see straight through to a person's soul. The aura that soul expels can tell a dragon a lot about them; whether they are evil or merely lying.[/hider] [hider=Human Form] Please base these off the allowed races, their inherent abilities, and the corresponding Dragonlord. Once again, you may use any of the examples, but are also free to make up your own ability along the same realms as the proper element.[/hider] [color=0072bc] Ashada, the Skycryer (Female)[/color] [hider=Dragon Form] Please note that you [b]can[/b] choose a different image of a blue dragon if you choose during character creation. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3f/25/37/3f25378f87c8361f9358ccb8d984ed7c.jpg[/img] Like all dragons, Ashada in her dragon form is hard to kill. She can fly long distances in this form, but has been cautioned that to do so it to potentially risk exposure to a world where her kind are not welcome. [color=ed1c24][b]Abilities in Dragon Form[/b][/color] Please note that these abilities are set. You may ask for up to one more ability other than the listed below, but they need to be approved first. [color=0072bc]Sky's Rage[/color]: Like all dragons, Ashada has a special breath ability. Unlike most dragons, however, who typically breathe fire, Ashada's breath is different. Sky's Rage is the ability the Goddess of Water herself. With it, Ashada shoots powerful bolts of lightning from her mouth that can rip through dozens of enemies at once. [color=0072bc]Sky Scream:[/color] By releasing an ultrasonic scream from the air, Ashada can topple buildings in one breath. These bursts are small, and direct, and will only topple the building it is aimed at.[/hider] [hider=Human Form] Please base these off the allowed races, their inherent abilities, and the corresponding Dragonlord. Once again, you may use any of the examples, but are also free to make up your own ability along the same realms as the proper element.[/hider] [color=00a651] Veshnu, the Earthshaker (Male)[/color] [hider=Dragon Form] Please note that you [b]can[/b] choose a different image of a green dragon if you choose during character creation. [img]http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb226/celestialgaurdianfox/dragons/CAT_1629GIF.jpg[/img] Like all dragons, Veshnu in his dragon form is hard to kill. He can fly long distances in this form, but has been cautioned that to do so it to potentially risk exposure to a world where his kind are not welcome. [color=ed1c24][b]Abilities in Dragon Form[/b][/color] Please note that these abilities are set. You may ask for up to one more ability other than the listed below, but they need to be approved first. [color=00a651]Earth's Sigh:[/color] Like all dragons, Veshnu has a special breath ability. Unlike most dragons, however, who typically breathe fire, Veshnu's breath is different. Earth's Sigh is an ability given to Veshnu by the God of Earth himself. Upon use, a strange green fog covers the area, lulling all who enter into a permanent sleep. (Note, they are still alive, but won't wake up unless Veshnu wakes them.) [color=00a651]Earth's Rage:[/color] Earth's Rage is an ability where Veshnu dives into the ground and causes massive tunnels. These tunnels then collapse, and create a crater where formed, entrapping all who were above ground.[/hider] [hider=Human Form] Please base these off the allowed races, their inherent abilities, and the corresponding Dragonlord. Once again, you may use any of the examples, but are also free to make up your own ability along the same realms as the proper element.[/hider] [color=c4df9b] Unamia, the Death Bringer (Female)[/color] [hider=Dragon Form] Please note that you [b]can[/b] choose a different image of a black dragon if you choose during character creation. [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/0c133f5fbb0b1949cd03e4e2ba18ffc2/http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e306/LanyaD/Dragons/blackdragon3.jpg[/img] Like all dragons, Unamia in her dragon form is hard to kill. She can fly long distances in this form, but has been cautioned that to do so it to potentially risk exposure to a world where her kind are not welcome. [color=ed1c24][b]Abilities in Dragon Form[/b][/color] Please note that these abilities are set. You may ask for up to one more ability other than the listed below, but they need to be approved first. [color=c4df9b]Death Fog:[/color]Like all dragons, Unamia has a special breath ability. Unlike most dragons, however, who typically breathe fire, Unamia's breath is different. Death Fog is an ability given to Unamia by the God of the Abyss himself. A noxious fume flows from Unamia's jaws, coating yards of enemies in a sheen of fumes toxic enough to kill. [color=c4df9b]Banshee Cry:[/color] The Banshee Cry is a sound no one wants to hear. Although Unamia can direct it toward an enemy, the cry itself causes one's blood to run cold, and those in its path soon find themselves lost in madness.[/hider] [hider=Human Form] Please base these off the allowed races, their inherent abilities, and the corresponding Dragonlord. Once again, you may use any of the examples, but are also free to make up your own ability along the same realms as the proper element.[/hider] [center][h2][i][color=ed1c24]Character Sheets[/color][/i][/h2][/center] Please be sure to include [b][u]all[/u][/b] of the following information on [u]each[/u] character you wish to play. [b]Name:[/b] First, last, nickname (these will be aliases for the guardians. Please include their real name in parentheses) [b]Age:[/b] (Guardians should put how old their human form looks, as well as anyone playing a dragon.) [b]Race:[/b] [b]Inherent Ability[/b]: Please remember you only get one of these dependent on your race. [b]Acquired Abilities:[/b] Please give detailed descriptions of these abilities. i.e: range, what happens when it's used, what the consequences are for using it, ect. Also please keep these relative to your race. i.e: A druid would not be able to summon an elemental. [b]Appearance:[/b] Please include a visual reference, though if you would like to include a description, you may do so. [b]Personality:[/b] Are they the quiet type? Easily angered? Shy? (Optional)[b]History:[/b] You may give a brief description or go full out. (Dragonlords please note that how you came to be in Blackwood should be illustrated in some way both in this category and the RP itself.)