Evelyn heard a woman's voice. She turned her head, pulling her attention away from inside the tavern. She smiled at the woman and opened her mouth to respond... when she heard footsteps coming behind the stranger who just appeared, came yet another stranger. Again, asking her to move out of the way. Evelyn smiles at stranger #2 and begins to respond when she hears someone retching. She leans to side to look past the other two ladies to see an eccentric looking young kid, looking a bit unsteady as he straightened himself up. He walked over and rather than asking us to move, he was impatient and the sarcasm came out as easily as that vomit had. Evelyn stepped back to look at everyone, her hand on the door knob. "I'm sorry everyone," she spat out nervously, "I was just being cautious." Giving an awkward smile to her new acquaintances, she peeked through the door again, then stepped back away from it to let everyone in before her.