[img]http://i.imgur.com/Kx2pemG.jpg [/img] [color=82ca9d][b]JACKAL VENTMAW[/b][/color] Location: Archepeligo known as the Conomi Islands. Interacting: [@LokiLeo789] [@malmshodes] I blinked at melany as she ran off winking at me. "Fruit, got it." I said before morphing into my more monstrous form, size increasing drasticly as I ran through the smoke and debris caused by Xerxes, in my 20+ height I have would storm towards an abandoned fruit stand. Lifting the entire stand of fruit and using a tent as a makeshift sac in the midst of fleeing civilians. I continued to put Beli and food items into the sac until it was filled to the brim, a process that would span 10 minutes as I continue