Marcus heard Richard's shout, calling the civis over to himself and leading them away from the fray. He caught a glimpse of Tess moving along with him, her gun holstered but helping injured to their feet and managing to keep pace with the rush of events. Once sure they were all moving and it seemed the stream of fire was having trouble keeping up with them he moved into the trees while hoping Rin would be following after their two friends. Needing to move fast, he decided it was better to take the fight to the attackers the Banshee way instead of eating through amo and just taking pot shots into the dark. Sure one or two of the soldiers were running into the open, but by the rate of fire he was almost positive there were at least a dozen out here. Breaking into a sprint he cut into the trees, slinging his gun over his back by the strap and colliding full tilt with the first dark mass he caught sight of. The opponent grunted in surprise, feeling hard and resistant to Marcus's attack but when the other threw his full weight into it the assailant hit a near by tree with shuddering force. Marcus's knife glinted in a brief blast of muzzle fire before disappearing into the soldier he had pinned to the tree. Not waiting for his body to hit the dirt, Marcus caught the front of the guy's helmet with one hand and jerked it off before yanking it down on his own head. There was a HUD, night vision, and a motion detector with friend or foe tags. "Ready or not here we come," Marcus hummed, honing in on the first friend tag (Since that was no doubt the dead man's squad mate) and moving at the same break neck pace he had before struck out to dispatch him. This he could do, he couldn't herd unarmed and wounded people properly, couldn't lead survivors with words or hope or comfort people when they just had had to watch their homes burn. Couldn't help Casper. But he damn sure could kill the bastards who caused all this.