Shin heard the gong ring an stared down his opponent. he got into a fighting stance with one of his hands up to his face and one to his side. Shin kept staring at his opponent. [i]"How should I come about fighting this guy he was trained by the Crane Hermit?"[/i] Shin thought as he inching closer to his opponent. Shin began to run full speed trying to catch him off guard. [i]He doesn't know my skills I may have the upper hand[/i] Shin thought as he began to throw a combination (his master's signature technique the Jan Ken). "Rock, Scissors, Paper!" Shin yelled out as he thew a punch, poke him in the eyes, and hit him with an open palm. "I wouldn't count the boy out that quick that boy is way stronger than he looks," Saitama informed master Shen. [i]"I only know based off of experience"[/i]Saitama said as he watched the battle very closely he wanted to see the boy who denied his spot in the quarter-finals in action.