"Look at that, folks! It seems like Samu managed to easily block Shin's attack!" The announcer explained to the crowd, as the blow was stopped by Samu's hand. Shin had moved so quickly, the announcer assumed he had only thrown a single punch. If he would have saw the eye-poking incident, Shin would have received a warning. "Uh-oh! It looks as if Samu's using his teeth and claws as weapons now too! How will the boy counterattack!?" The announcer continued to express the just of everything that was going on for the people both up close, and also very far away from the arena. '[i]That wasn't a single punch that kid threw! It was three attacks! Collectively known as the Jan Ken Fist! Only a select group of people are aware of that move! Who is this boy, really!?[/i]' Jackie Chun questioned, as he watched the battle from the outskirts of the temple with the others. '[i]Could his father really be?...[/i]' The turtle hermit questioned to himself, as the deceased fighter flashed through his mind. '[i]That idiot! If he would have just let the kid poke him in the eyes, the battle would already be over![/i]' Eno angrily expressed in his head, as he clenched his fists. He understood Samu wanted to get a good fight out of the match, but if a person can take a win, he should. At least, that's what Eno always thought. If it were him out there, he wouldn't have wasted any more time than he needed to, and would have gotten the kid disqualified. "Yikes!" Kiro exclaimed, as he jumped back a bit with every bite Samu snapped at Shin. A bite like that would leave more than just a scratch, at least, that's what Kiro figured. The battle had only just begun, and things were already getting intense. Master Shen simply smirked, as he watched Samu dodge the poking attack. This pleased the crane master, as he felt as if the boy, along with all those supporting him, needed to learn who was the superior fighter. Especially with Roshi talking how he was.