[center][h1][color=ed1c24]Jurassic War[/color][/h1] [img]http://static2.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_super/14/147508/4623154-capture.jpg[/img] [h2][color=ed1c24]The Plot[/color][/h2] It's been years since the closing of the famous dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World, but InGen hasn't stopped 'innovating' yet. Dr. Henry Wu, now the CEO of the company has sought out for more. Before his death, Hoskin's dream was to militarize dinosaurs, specifically Velociraptors in order to use them in warfare. The wish has t died and is now InGen's top priority. The embryos Dr. Wu escaped with just before the downfall of the park was a whole new era of warfare. The Island takes place on an unknown Site C which was under construction during the time Jurassic World was still up and running. Site C is where InGen holds Militarized Genetic Hybrids. The RP is set just moments before a deal is about to be struck with InGen and the United States Armed Forces, which at the same time, a group of unknown Environmental Protection Group is on the verge of uncovering what the company is up to. Which side will you be on? [h3][color=ed1c24]Chapter I[/color][/h3] [b]InGen Laboratories, Isla Delmaro, 9:58 AM[/b] A dim light cast through the pale room at the top floor of InGen Laboratories. In a glass cylinder four eggs could be seen with a plaque stating, [i]CRT7-H476Y[/i]. Next to it a large screen stood with a model of a dinosaur In it. It was large, and the scale next to the model stated [i]70 Feet Long, 20 Feet At The Hip When Full Growm[/i]. [b]"It looks marvelous. Truly magnificent. Our buyers will love it. Johnathan, hand me a glass of water,"[/b] Wu instructed. His voice was firm and commanding, but easy enough to not come off as an asshole. The intern rushed to go get a glass and handed it to Wu. He felt the ice cold liquid run down his throat and clear it. He shook his head, handed the glass of water back, and looked towards the camera pointed at him. Next to the camera was a large monitor, displaying what the camera was showing, which at the moment was Doctor Wu standing next to the eggs and the screen. [b]"We're on in 3, 2, 1,"[/b] The camera man raised his hand to show that the filming had begun. Wu gathered himself in the brief moment he had for the viewers. On the same monitor that was showing him he could see the Board of people watching him. [b]"Hello Ladies and Gentlemen. Shall we begin?"[/b] [h2][color=ed1c24]O.O.C.[/color][/h2] So there's the plot. More will be added in the OOC of the RP. I'm thinking that the RP will go in chapters and the plot I just gave right now will be the first chapter, but I'm still working everything out. Also, I'm not revealing if characters/dinosaurs from the original films (including Jurassic World) will be used or not. Because one, it will ruin the surprise effect and two, I'm not quite sure yet myself. The only ones for sure that will be in this is Dr. Henry Wu. [h2][color=ed1c24]Rules[/color][/h2] [list] [*] No Godmodding. Do I really even need to put this up here? [*] No Powerplaying, or controlling another's character without their consent. [*] Post at least 4 times a week. Sometimes posts will go faster than that, as it will be fast paced at some moments, but as long as you can catch up and stay with us I don't mind only four posts a week. [*] I'm not one to have you write 25,000 character books, but if you want to be my guest. The only thing I don't want is one-three liners. If you get your point across in four lines or more, then I'm fine with that, but don't slack just because I'm letting four-liners go. I still want some descriptive writing. [*] If you aren't going to be active for two or more days and you know, please tell me. I get it, things pop up in life, it happens to me too, but if you know in advance there is no harm in telling me, I don't bite. [*] Sure, romance is allowed, but when the clothes start to come off, fade to black or take it to PM. [*] I'm ok with language, you might see it from me throughout the RP, but don't sware in EVERY. SINGLE. SENTANCE. It really ruins the RP. [*] While it's not encourage, In Game drama is allowed, but keep it in game. If you have a problem don't post it in the thread, PM it to me. If it still can't be resolved, take it to the mods. [/list] [h2][color=ed1c24]Character Sheet[/color][/h2] Yeah, I know that this looks like a lot, especially the paragraph expectations for history and personality, but the roleplays I've been in that have no character depth are just boring as hell. Sure, running from dinosaurs and shooting off guns is fun, but so is character interaction, which is also a big part of this RP. InGen: Island Security - Guns, Guns, and more Guns. Geneticists - Dinosaur Hybrid Scientists Trainers - Owen Grady type people Pen Workers - People who operate the food crane, or like the guy who fell into the enclosure trying to catch the pig Mechanics/Engineers - The People who design enclosure, fix vehicles, those type of people. Environmentalists: Animal Behavior Intelligence - Study Dinosaur and Hybrid behavior Special Ops - They are the people who go in guns blazin' Medics - Doctors. Enough said. [hider=CS][b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Faction And Occupation:[/b] Check Above List [b]Appearance:[/b] Please Put In Hider. Also realistic photos only, no Cartoons/Anime. I'm also ok with realistic art. [b]Personality:[/b] 2-3 Detailed Paragraphs Please [b]History:[/b] 3-4 Detailed Paragraphs Please [b]Likes:[/b] At Least 5 [b]Dislikes:[/b] At least 5 [b]Fears:[/b] At least 3 [b]Extra:[/b] Optional. Anything that wasn't covered in the CS that you want to add, put it here.[/hider][/center]