Akira had, for once woken up in time to at least be able to reach school on time. The boy rubbed his eyes tirelessly as he walked do the familiar streets on his way to school. Nothing ever changes, sames faces, same places, just another day. In a town where everyone knew everyone, even if one of them rarely spoke there was the occasional call out from vendors who recognised the boy. Though Akira would merely nod in acknowledgement, not to come off as completely ignorant to his elders. His uniform was neatly worn, shirt tucked in at the waist. He held onto his backpack strap, flung over one shoulder as the bag swayed with each step. Some might consider his pace to be hastened, although for his height it was actually pretty casual for someone who needed to get somewhere. The boy sighed as he wondered why he made such an effort on the appearance front, he was far from a model student and he really didn't want to be associated as being one. He shrugged to himself as each step brought him closer to school. He would walk past some students that he didn't know, well he didn't know most of them, as he made his approach. There was the occasional whisper between friends as he passed, for someone who'd only been in Inaba a year word had seemed to get around fast about why he was always so quiet. Though most of it were just rumours, only the school staff knew with certainty of his situation as he so rarely spoke to students even less so about his feelings and past. There was one group that drew some attention, against the norm as the lead girl was walking backwards facing toward the other two. He recognised the face but he could not recall a name as he continued to glance at her. He would pass a girl, who seemed to be timidly pacing behind the group. As passed the two guys he would glance behind them, another familiar face, and a new one. Akira was fairly confident that he'd never seen that person before, he stared for a moment out of curiosity before raising a brow at the new face. Though he did not hold the pose for long as he turned his head to look where he was going once more continuing his trek to the school grounds.