[center][h3]Lucrecia[/h3][/center] Lucreica didn't attempt to block the sword it was more out of curiosity what the motive behind it was. She looked straight into the half-breeds eyes and simply grabbed the sword and moved it out of her direction. Lucrecia got the gist that this man had wolf scent all over him. [color=pink]"I am Lucrecia, warrior princess of the elven people.[/color] Lucrecia replied, Her eyes ceasing contact with the other she continued,[color=pink] "Have you no respect? that you would come all out of your midst and dare to threaten me with a sword. Had I been a beast, or a orc, or the evil queen herself, or made a movement to threaten you. or your mate.. that would be understandable. However I am none of those reasons. So, how are you going to respond, usually I'm not this patient, better act quickly before you really offend me"[/color] Lucrecia wasn't going to be intimidated after all she couldn't call herself a warrior and it wasn't like she had not dealt with wolves before. However Lucrecia got the sense that this wolf was merely being protective of his mate, she hadn't forgotten what that was like and what you would do for a loved one. [@Chaoticmickey] [center][h3]The Evil Queen[/h3][/center] The queen sat down and took a sip of her tea that had been offered to her by Aspen. She then glanced back at Aspen, [color=yellow]" I don't fear the people, As long as they are fed and have their little bit of living then they are content with their pitiful lives. If they dare threaten me or dare to revolt, then my dear I guess I will have no choice but to go through with what I said before."[/color]The queen stood up once more and then walked a circular pace clearly thinking of what would be her next move, she paused and then had clearly decided. [color=yellow]"Alright maybe a fresh pair of eyes would be useful to me and you clearly have a lot of time on your hands, So here it is. go investigate the woods, towns, villages and see what the word is, be my eyes and ears. Don't make yourself too obvious, you are known, so do whatever must be done to gain their trust. Understood? Aspen" [/color]The evil queen now satisfied. if she had Aspen to keep a eye on what the people were up to or if there was any other occurence or a uprising that could be a problem. then Aspen knew how to deal with it. The evil queen had enough to do with finding the book.