[center][i][h1][color=00aeef]Fairy Finella[/color][/h1][/i][/center] Fin's eyes opened to a room made of soft fabric, both warm and comfortable it was the opposite of her fading dream. [i]Did she just dream about two pirate ship ramming each other?[/i] A quick check showed her to be dry as a bone, before one of the walls almost crushed her again. Aspen began in a cautious tone, [color=e29d9d]"but I am worried your latest policy regarding the Grimm brothers and the return of their book may be stirring the people."[/color] Fin hugged herself remembering suddenly where she was. she did worry over The Princess but did she have to poke her so much. She took her duties in looking after her seriously. and sensed more the other presence in the room than the Princesses wish for her to remani hidden. This Princess seemed to less interested in courting and more into anything else. Fin frowned, [i]Were they all like this?[/i] she thought to herself, [i]Well I can set her up with some lucky man during the quest.[/i] Finella listened in and tried not to move, there was someone else there, princesses never talked to themselves after all.