[center][h3][b][u][color=088A85]M a r x o [/color][/u][/b][/h3] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/drf4uf.png[/IMG] [b] East Blue | Conomi Islands[/b][hr] Marxo continued on his spree, pillaging anyone who looked like they had more money than himself . 5 minutes passed before he reached the Conomi Bank. [color=088a85] “ Ahhh. Man’s Best Friend… Money. I’d come out of there if you value life.”[/color] He reached into his pocket and pulled out another cannonball the size of a thumbnail. This time he made it a normal size so he wouldn’t damage any goods and proceeded to blow the hinges off the front door. Once inside it was completely empty. This made it all the more easy to gather money. He’d wondered why none of his other crew members had thought of this first. He began shrinking the money and placing it inside the sack where he’d placed the bottled ships and Logpose. [color=088a85] “ Like taking candy from a….well in this case no one .”[/color] By this time he’d had about 10 minutes left . He had a feeling as he was exiting the bank. Something was telling him to go to the docks. He would listen to this warning. As captain he’d have to show good leadership which included being on time. He rushed towards the dock not thinking of what possibly could be headed the crews’ way. Hopefully it wasn’t that bad . They’d have to fend for themselves either way. Marxo disappeared into the crowd of frantic people . [color=088a85] “Color me disguised.”[/color] [@dragonmancer][@LokiLeo789] [@malmshodes][/center]