Elpha wandered through the forrest aimlessly, her arms being wrapped around her short body in attempt to stay warm. Although the sun was shining, the cool, icy air still made her shiver. Her thin silk frock wasn't any help either, as it was too light to give her any sort of warmth. Elpha sighed in defeat as she continued to walk along, her mind eventually drifting to the events from earlier that day. [i]Elpha watched fearfully as Alec - a scrawny looking centaur who'd been 'helping her out' on her quest- was pinned down on the ground beneath the claws of a large Alphyn who stared down at him angrily. The intimidating creature had uneven black fur, and its talons were a crimson red colour.. most likely the dried up blood of his previous kills. Alec began to struggle beneath the creature's hold, which just enraged it even further. Deciding to attack, the Alphyn began to slash at Alec's chest with its sharp claws, causing him to scream and gasp in pain. Elpha quickly fled from the scene, not wanting to see what would soon happen to Alec.[/i] Elpha shivered in fear at the memory, her eyes lifting from the ground to scan her surroundings as she suddenly felt slightly paranoid. As she looked up, she saw a huge number corpses laying on the ground in the distance, and two men standing near the bodies. Elpha was indeed horrified at the sight, however she was somewhat impressed as well. [i]Whoever caused this would definitely be very handy to her.[/i] She decided to duck behind a large tree nearby the two strangers so she wouldn't be spotted whilst she watched them, and began to observe them as she tried to figure out who'd killed the load of people. One of the men wore a full suit of armour - similar to the type you'd see on a knight- and held an unrecognisable object covered in cloth. The other wore unusual looking armour which was decorated with skulls and spikes, and spoke to the other male in a loud, unfamiliar accent. Both of them did certainly look strong, but neither of them looked as if they had the strength to kill a large group of people alone.