hmm so far the city just handles it self, later on if the story go's well I'll actually try adding lore and what not .the guard in snow armor is just an npc. SO don't worry about it, for now it's just free writing, occasionally depending on how my partner responds I'll see an opening for a plot begining , if that happens I'll be sure to let you know! oh there is one thing, see I have another city that's very similiar to this so I'll be adding some of it's traits into this city to help make it seem more full and life like. So Police official's are still a thing, but there are also bounty hunters and vigilantes,as well as your classic guilds depending on how they run they'll also enforce the peace. but since it's still a large city there's still crime,also in the center of the city is a castle though it's empty,or we think it's empty ,kind of like a lost temple no one's been inside for a while.