Man FUCK ms paint. I'm bad at art. Fuck it. FUCK IT. OK LISTEN UP. Floor 1 Skeletons - Unarmored / rusty weapons - High bleed damage Giant bats - Lifesteal - High bleed damage Tier 2 crafting materials (We are tier 4 currently) Floor 2 Skeletons - Unarmored / Rusty weapons - High bleed Skeletons - Light armor / iron daggers - Critical damage/ambush type Skeleton(s) - Heavy armor (1) - High base health Tier 2 crafting materials Floor 3 Skeletons - Unarmored / iron weapons - High bleed Skeletons - Light armor / steel swords - Fast attacks / high criticals / ambushers Skeletons - Heavy armor / Mace and shield - High base health / blocks attacks Skeletons - Light armor / Crossbows - Inflicts weakness on hit / inflicts slow on hit Ghoul swarm (5) - Unarmored flesh unit / Weak to fire and cutting weapons - Low bleed damage / Lifesteal Skeleton Overlord (1) - Miniboss / Strong magic attacks - Primary lightning attacks Tier 4 crafting materials Weapons chest (random item value from GM) Floor 4 Skeleton overlord (3) - Miniboss / strong magic attacks - Lightning/fire/ice variants Skeletons (6) - Heavy armor / Greatshield - Protects overlord Ghoul hounds (10) - Low health pool / high speed and dodge Tier 4 crafting cache / Bonus crafting nodes Floor 5 Elder Lich - Powerful caster / Magic shield - Single target killer Tier 5 recipe (Main crafting skill) Tier 5 crafting cache / Bonus crafting nodes / "Bag o' currency" Powerful weapons chest (Blue+ Quality guaranteed chest) I will be deciding what you find in the chests, if and when you get to them, and be aware that I've already gotten the loot decided. There are 3 [color=662d91]legendary[/color] weapons up for grabs here! Though the odds are quite slim on actually getting one. The Legendary weapons are as follows [color=662d91]Ifrits gauntlets[/color] [color=662d91]Lich slayer longbow[/color] [color=662d91]Dreadfang rapier[/color] I won't have pictures for these, since thats boring and you might not get them anyways.