Here's my CS for a Hunter. If you think it's a little too high a rank for him, he can just be Hunter level, that's totally fine. [hider=Caspar VanSlyke][center][h1][color=03acb2]Caspar VanSlyke[/color][/h1] [IMG][/img] [b]{[/b]"[i]No matter what it is that you do, there will always be a risk or two involved. And so what? What's life without just a little bit of risk. Hell, what's life without a huge bit of risk? The fact that it's there doesn't matter. It's always there, there's no way around that. What really does matter, though, is what you do with that risk.[/i]"[b]}[/b] -[b]Louie Black (Yeeeeah came up with it mehself. 'Cause it's soooo good xD )[/b][hr][hr][/center] | [color=03acb2][b]Full Name[/b][/color] | [indent]Caspar Jones VanSlyke[/indent] | [color=03acb2][b]"Slyke"[/b][/color] | [indent]For Slyke it's less about liking the nickname and more about saying less than his whole name. He thinks last names with "Van" in the beginning seem pretty intimidating, so he'd rather go with something a little less so. Not that Slyke is much of an improvement, but it's a bit better.[/indent] | [color=03acb2][b]Birth Date[/b][/color] | [indent]Born on Halloween day (October 31st) in 1990, he is currently 26.[/indent] | [color=03acb2][b]Age[/b][/color] | [indent]26 years of age.[/indent] | [color=03acb2][b]Gender[/b][/color] | [indent]Male[/indent] | [color=03acb2][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] | [color=03acb2][b]Relationship Status[/b][/color] | [indent]Quite single.[/indent] | [color=03acb2][b]Occupation[/b][/color] | [indent]Unemployed, but hopeful to work as an official Hunter, as opposed to working with his father to do so. He was never officially made into a Hunter.[/indent] | [color=03acb2][b]Role[/b][/color] | [indent]Hopeful Second in Command. He'd be happy to just be a Hunter in general, but he thinks that he is skilled enough to be a little higher.[/indent] | [color=03acb2][b]Coven or Pack?[/b][/color] | [indent]Part of neither, but he intends to aid their downfall.[/indent] | [color=03acb2][b]In Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | [indent]Caspar Jones VanSlyke stands tall above most people his age, often having to bend slightly beneath normal-sized doors. He inherited that much from his father, but almost nothing else. Nobody in his family really knows where he got most of his traits, but his eyes and hair the only clear things from his mother. He has grey eyes, almost strangely grey, but there is an odd sort of warmth to them. Most people would think grey would be a cool color, rather than there being a slightly warm tinge to them. His hair is a messy, light brownish color, just like his mother. He usually keeps it just a little bit longer than the norm for many guys. Caspar tends to wear darker tones in his clothing. Grey, black, navy, maroon, with the occasional white. He never wears just a T-shirt, as he believes in dressing for his part. He typically wears a fairly thick leather jacket decorated with his maroon undershirt. He has gloves, similar in color to his undershirt, that he cut the fingers off of. They look more like ragged, leather, MMA gloves, now. His jacket has multiple pockets and slits in which he hides his many weapons. Daggers and stakes littered his body, yet remained completely concealed from the public eye. Small vials of holy water cluttered a pocket or two. Perhaps the most important thing that he wore, though, was his necklace. It was a small, silver cross. It may be small, but it was definitely effective. His pants were quite an interesting story as well. He wore extremely dark jeans that stuck fairly close to his skin. He kept a foldable dagger and a small stake in his back pockets, and another one tucked in the side of his right boot. The leathery boots met at his feet and went a fair ways above his ankle. The dagger he stuck in his boot was, just like the others, foldable. But this one was considerable larger, looking a bit more like a machete when the black was flipped out. It was made of pure silver.[/indent] (Tattoos will be included below) | [color=03acb2][b]Habits | Oddities | Quirks[/b][/color] | [indent]Habits: When he's nervous, he tends to tap his fingers, close his eyes, or start scratching at his arms (despite them being beneath the jacket). It's easy to tell when he's angry at somebody because he always, and I mean always, cracks his neck and fingers. Oddities: Caspar tends to growl and grunt when he's in a fight, which is exceedingly odd since he hates werewolves in particular. He notices it, but can't seem to stop, he assumes it's just something he's picked up while fighting them. He hates vampires as well, but for some reason, werewolves bother him more. Also, despite being clearly German, it was his grandparents who moved away from Germany. He was born in Great Britain, and, keeping the accent, moved to the U.S. when he heard of the Hunting that brought his attention. He also tends to whistle a lot when he's waiting for something. Quirks: He has several tattoos hidden underneath his clothing, all standing for something unique. One of them, a large star on his right shoulder, is from his first time Hunting. For some reason, the werewolf he and his father's group were after wore a star necklace. It just seemed to stick with him. The second is a winged skull with blood dripping from the eye sockets. It symbolizes that he has seen horrible things, but continues to see them for the innocents in the world. His last one is his name written across his upper back. "VanSlyke". This one is there for the remembrance even after his death, because he is extremely afraid of the possibility of love. He has had a past of getting close to women and watching them be slaughtered by the very things he Hunts.[/indent] | [color=03acb2][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] | [indent]Caspar enjoys whittling, even in 2016 he finds the old hobby fun. Many people think he's living in the past, despite being born in the relatively modern days, until they see how well he handles the knife. He's very gifted, and can make some mean stakes at a moment's notice. He also finds playing the guitar soothing, a good way to relax after a long day. He may not be the best, but he knows enough to play.[/indent] | [color=03acb2][b]Likes[/b][/color] | [indent]Caspar has a thing for acoustic music, many of such artists nobody else knows. He's also into classic rock, and some of the modern stuff. His favorite artist is Jack White, a person who can definitely make him feel like a badass at the end of the day if he needs it. He also enjoys, as mentioned above, playing the guitar and whittling. Whittling also leads to his rather large appreciation for knives and stake creating. He also likes dogs, the tiny ones especially. He may look real tough, but in reality, he has a softer personality.[/indent] | [color=03acb2][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] | [indent]Obviously, he hates werewolves and vampires very much. When he's in an argument, he can't stand it when a person just won't accept defeat. Sometimes he is that way, too, but very rarely. He also hates it when people start messing with his hair. Don't. Touch. The hair. What he may hate even more than werewolves and vampire, though, is people who don't listen. They just nod and smile the whole time, not even paying attention to what he is saying, important or not.[/indent] | [color=03acb2][b]Fears[/b][/color] | [indent]His biggest fear is losing his closest friends and fellow Hunters. He grows close to people quickly, particularly after working with them for awhile. He also fears the concept of love, like his previous experiences said a ways above.[/indent] | [color=03acb2][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] | [indent]Caspar is pretty well-rounded, but has some tougher and softer qualities. He's very independent, can do things by himself, but he prefers to do them with other people. He has a strong understanding of caring for a person, depending on how fast he gets to know the person. He bonds quickly, but also loses trust quickly. While he has no real reason to lose trust so quickly, he takes things rather personally. He can sometimes be fairly stubborn as well, but he really is a good person.[/indent] | [color=03acb2][b]Personality[/b][/color] | [indent]Caspar is a good man, he's both soft and hard. He is soft in the way that he find the good in people. He enjoys the company of others, he find it comforting in a sense that if something goes wrong, he doesn't have to deal with it alone. Some people would find that almost cynical, but he thinks it the opposite. He's a caring guy, always taking the people around him into great consideration. If there is something that would mostly benefit them and may hurt himself, he'd almost always go with the option that would help the others. He may look tough and scary, but he's more a softy than people would tend to think. But he can be hard, sometimes. He has strong beliefs and likes to stick by them. His morals and preferences play a big part in his decision-making life. He rarely ever makes a decision that he disagrees with, unless he knows it is the way to make things right. He also likes to make himself look big. While a good person, he finds joy in showing off. He'll show off his looks, his skills, his weaponry, just about anything.[/indent] | [color=03acb2][b]Place of Origin[/b][/color] | [indent]He was born in Great Britain, his grandparents had come there from Germany, and he lived there until he was sixteen. After that, he moved to America.[/indent] | [color=03acb2][b]History[/b][/color] | [indent]Caspar's family is from Germany, hence VanSlyke, but his grandparents moved away from Germany during World War II. They moved to England, where they thought they would be safer. And they were, in fact, they made rather large sums of money. They never really gave away how they made it, but Caspar always assumed it was either for the government or illegal. He could see it either way. Grandpappy and grandmammy VanSlyke brought their child over with them, Caspar's father. He grew up wealthy, for still unknown reasons. When he was about twenty eight, he married a woman who lived there at the time. After a few years, she gave birth to Caspar. They all lived together quite happily for sixteen years. During those sixteen years, Mr. VanSlyke revealed to their son that he was a Hunter. Caspar's mother was clueless about the whole thing, but he was taken to work with his father. He would show him how to make stakes, how to use daggers and knives, how to set simple traps. This is where Caspar found his love of whittling. After a time, his father had to go to the United States for some important work. He told Caspar's mother it was a business trip, but Caspar knew that was all a lie. His mother and father's relationship had started to deteriorate, they argued all the time, his father was left sleeping in hotels constantly. Eventually, he just left. He promised Caspar he would bring him to the U.S. soon. Fortunately, it was soon, but not for a good reason. His mother was killed in a tragic car accident when he was only eighteen. After that, it was decided that he would go to live with his father. From there, he continued his training. From then on, he worked as hard as he could to do his father right. He trained for extremely long periods of time, even longer than his father could bare, sometimes. Eventually, he could outdo his father at many tasks. He could make stakes quicker, he could throw knives more accurately, he was all-around better than him. He continued to Hunt with him, though, and they are still very close. [/indent] | [color=03acb2][b]Extra[/b][/color] | [indent][url=]Theme Song[/url][/indent][/hider]