[hider=Min-jae Jeong][center][img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/00bcfe3368a24a625a3df2af90d0dfc7/tumblr_naxjd091rP1qfx62eo1_500.gif[/img] [color=gray][i]Min-jae spotted during a night out in his military schooling days[/i][/color] [color=gray]╔════════════════════════╗ [h2][i][b]M[/b]in-jae [b]J[/b]eong[/i][/h2] ╚════════════════════════╝ [i]… without stress, without chaos, all controlled, no second thoughts …[/i][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=gray][b]Player Name:[/b][/color] Buddha [color=gray][b]Character Name:[/b][/color] Min-jae '[i]Min[/i]' Jeong [color=gray][b]Character Age:[/b][/color] 23 [color=gray][b]Character Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=gray][b]Appearance:[/b] [/color] [hider=Min-jae Jeong -- still image taken at a funeral of a fallen comrade][img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/drama/images/f/f0/Oguri_Shun16.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140111204743&path-prefix=es[/img][/hider] [i]Min-jae is a man that stands at a relatively short 5'8. He is short by military standards but his South-Korean roots explain it. In fact he is slightly above the average. His features are dull, and Min-jae is not a man that brings anything to mind when you look at him. He is forgettable at best. The one defining characteric he has is the fact that his jawline is chiseled in an almost straight line, which ultimately does not make much of a difference. As for his body, he is fit. His arms are muscled due to prolonged service in the military, as are his legs. His chest is broad and sticks out, showing he works hard. While his stomach is also defined, he does not have a sixpack, which makes sense since he got fit by exercise and hard work, not by lifting weights or doing exercises in a gym. He is fit, muscled for function, not form. Never the less he is muscled, it is not often you'd get to see this, as Min-jae frequently wears his clothes long and thickly packed. Speaking of clothes, Min-jae is frequently seen in his military gear. While his helmet is often changed out with a standard issue cap, the rest is all according to regulations and maintained in tip-top shapes. While he mostly wears this, he brought a large amount of clothes on board. His dress style varies greatly, and he can basically dress for every occasion and he finds great enjoyment in doing that, too.[/i] [color=gray][b]Profession:[/b][/color] Part of the 2nd security detachment on board the [i]Vitae.[/i] His duties surround the security of important personnel, general security of the Vitae, and combat positions in case of an attack on the Vitae. However, the limited space on the Vitae requires the security detail to be versatile and as such, theoretically the detachment could be ordered to a multitude of operations, including general peacekeeping. His official rank within this unit is [i]sergeant[/i], though arguably these ranks are rather meaningless at this point, since central command calls the shots most of the time. [color=gray][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] Nagasaki Conglomerate. [color=gray][b]Strengths:[/b] [/color] [indent]Ⅰ [i]Operates extremely well under stress, such as combat or situations where superiors are yelling, potentially at him.[/i] Ⅱ [i]He is an accurate shot, scoring rather well in the monthly tests. By no means is he a sniper, however -- he is merely above average. But since only the gifted ones made it into the Vitae, that already puts him above the rest of the cannon fodder, doesn't it?[/i] Ⅲ [i]A good combat intuition and hand to hand combat. He won't be kicking ass left and right, but he can pack a punch.[/i] Ⅳ [i]Extremely brave. Perhaps less of a strength, as once more, this sometimes drives him to perform near-suicidal acts for the greater good. Perceived greater good, that is.[/i] Ⅴ [i]Extremely determined, to the point where he might perform near-suicidal acts if it was for the greater good of the Vitae.[/i] Ⅵ [i]Lastly, perhaps less a strength and more a trait -- he is extremely loyal, and believes in hierarchy. Orders come first, you can think about whether you did the right thing or not later.[/i][/indent] [color=gray][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] [indent]Ⅰ [i]His lack of emotional processing turns into bottling up his emotions. While normally this can be released, there are times where this is difficult for Min-jae. It is dependent on the emotion too -- happiness and hilarity are easier to process for him than anger and sadness. On the long term, this could lead to a serious case of burn-out.[/i] Ⅱ [i]As mentioned before, his idea of bravery, self-sacrifice and duty to the Vitae might cause him to perform stupid acts. Acts that can, and likely will, get him killed. As long as it's for the greater good -- but then, his idea of the greater good mostly comes down to what orders he receives. A bad military commander might just cause Min-jae to push himself over the edge. [/i] Ⅲ [i]Min-jae enjoys confrontation and arguments. While he seems like a relatively chill dude in general, truthfully something about conflict and argumentation makes his blood rush. He will likely not rest until he feels like he has made his point, and in specific, has captured the hearts of the onlookers.[/i] Ⅳ [i]Aggressive -- [b]or straight-forward as he calls himself[/b] -- Min-jae can come off as rather rude and brutish in his ways. He prefers to state what he thinks about things, and while he won't let on to his emotions, he will most certainly tell you if he thinks you're being an arrogant cunt.[/i] Ⅴ [i]Follows orders. Really. If the commander ordered him to assassinate the rear admiral, there's no doubt about it that he would do it. A blessing and a curse, there's been many times where he would think back and wished he'd not executed orders. However, even now, there's not a thing that he would've done different, and that does bother him.[/i] Ⅵ [i]He is prideful. He believes that his job is one of the most prestigious ones out there, and while many out there would agree with him, he fails to see ho anyone could ever think different. He is serving and protecting these people after all. Seriously, hurt his pride and you will have either a broken man or an angry man in front of you. Which, that depends on the authority you carry over him.[/i][/indent] [color=gray][b]Personal Effects:[/b][/color] [i]Now, now..[/i] don't get me wrong, Min-jae would love to be a high ranking official, with a lot of authority, but his duty as a serviceman requires him to make due with a smaller standard of living. No [i]augmented holographic tables with orange juice dispensers[/i] for him. He prefers the rather simple bare-bones approach. He did not really touch any of the furniture. Most of the stuff he brought on board were clothes, large amounts of them, and other small personal effects, such as a picture of his two parents. It's framed in a rather authentic dark-wooden frame, contrary to the state of the art hologram equipment that some of the other members of the crew seem to use. Something that is more tangible appeals more to Min-jae. His room is well kept, homage to his orderly nature, but besides that nothing is really out of the ordinary. [color=gray][b]Bio:[/b][/color] Min-jae is a young man, with naught more than a small stubble on his chin. Never the less, he stands his own. His story is not one as impressive as that of the rear admiral who made calls that no one else seemed to dare to make, no epic tale of escaping death like that of [color=f26522]Lieutenant Dakota Lee Roach[/color]. Nothing of the sorts. Rather, he is the embodiment of someone that realizes that ultimately he is but a speck of dust in the greater scheme of things. [i]And dust always seems to find it's way through the cracks.[/i] Min-jae his parents were born in the United Korean State, which was naturally part of the Nagasaki Conglomerate. It wasn't that bad a life, honestly. Sure, the Roslin Federation had better economics, and better anything. But technology was incredibly good, and it provided Min-jae's father with a job as he was a robotics specialist. No matter which way you really looked at it, Min-jae was relatively well off. When the three day war occurred, Min-jae was but a little three year old boy. When news of the attack hit Min-jae's home, his parents were unaware of the lurking danger. It was only when rear admiral Constatine removed his fleet from the ongoing standoff did people realize that perhaps the threat was more grave than initially imagined. Being three years old, Min-jae did not understand, and continued playing '[i]soldier[/i]' with his other friends. Little did he know that he would soon enough be playing soldier in real life. His relatively well off position afforded him with a mother that could care for him daily, until he went to school. Primary school was easy enough for him, though with the advanced technology they had, studying had also become a whole lot easier. He did not excel to become number 1, but was easily above the average, scoring in the top 20 percentile of study statistics in the Nagasaki Conglomerate. He went on to a regular high school, pursuing an education in economics for a lack of any other interest. When he got out of highschool at the young age of 18, he surprisingly went to military school. While his parents could have easily afforded him to go to a well off college or university, giving him a guaranteed position of relative wealth, Min-jae instead opted for a military [i]school.[/i] It was not even an academy, which his father berated him for, but rather a standard military school. Here he learned the standard drills, partaking in [i]basic[/i] like any other and learning his way around weaponry. Min-jae had never excelled before but that was about to change. He graduated from the school ranking second in his class, second only to a person that managed to score better in a single theoretical field. Min-jae found his passion now within the military and got put in the United Earth's military detachment that was sent to guard the council originally. Min-jae took part in several operations, and excelled there too. In his final years on earth, he managed to rise through the ranks rapidly at an alarming rate, giving superiors a reason to keep an eye on him. This was the point at which he was a candidate for the Genesis Project's subjects. Original concerns for his offspring capabilities were waived by an officer who assured the interviewers that [i]'Min-jae might be brave and idiotic at points, but he is more than capable of producing a child as long as you keep him out of harms way.'[/i] His peak physical condition, loyalty to the job and the people, and finally his long list of 'feats' during the protection of the council allowed him to get shuffled out of rotation, into the area of operations near the Cradle of Humanity, near the site where the Vitae was stored. His new team was part of the Vitae's subjects, to which they were alerted shortly enough and forced to sign a non-disclosure contract. Min-jae did not object -- this is what the superiors wanted. When told he was allowed to bring some people, he suggested his parents, but they were deemed too old ([i]64 and 67[/i]) to be meaningful. Min-jae did not have any other candidates. [i]However,[/i] while the story would normally end there, a turning point was when admiral Constatine presented his final release on the matter, attempting to calm down the masses. When it was said that the admiral would lead all military units willing to fight.. Min-jae was caught by a superior on site while he was attempting to pack his bags to travel to an area where he could find another military units. Now that it was revealed that the military -- [i]Min-jae's brothers in arms[/i] -- would be making an final stand, he had second thoughts and attempted to desert the position at the Vitae and abandon his spot aboard the ship, almost breaking contract in doing so. The superior managed to convince Min-jae somehow that, what he was doing was desertion, and was definitely not what admiral Constatine would want him to do. Min-jae would board the Vitae, but he felt like a traitor ever since that day, and it is something that he will never forget. Perhaps something he wishes to make up by extraordinary service aboard the Vitae. Time, time will tell. [color=gray][b]Code Word:[/b][/color] [color=orange]pineapple, buddy boy.[/color][/hider] I do apologize. I don't think this is my best work yet, but I wish to submit it for review regardless. I hope it's not too much of a shit read.