Shira looked at girl in front of the door and offered her a small smile. [color=0072bc]"Nothing wrong with being cautious, but next time, maybe not block the doorway."[/color] As she looked around at the three other strangers there, she couldn't help but have a feeling of protection wash over her. She knew she barely knew these people, or even their names, but she had to protect them. She couldn't do that in the field. She instinctively took a step towards the inside of the tavern and turned towards the others. [color=0072bc]"C'mon, something tells me we should all head inside instead of waiting out here for whatever is gonna happen. I think our best bet is to head inside."[/color] Shira turned towards the group, looking them over again. There was a boy that barely looked like he was legal in any sense of the word, and a woman that looked around her age. She knew in her gut that she had to lead the way for this group of ragtag people, even if she had never met them before. She took the step into the darkness of the tavern and let everything fade away.