Student CS: Name: Rinna Kasai Age: 18 Element: Water Appearance: For someone who is supposedly 18, Rinna is tiny. Barely reaching five feet tall, it is only her other features confirm that she is not secretly a middle schooler. A curvy girl, with black hair long enough to reach her waistline, she also boasts lightly tanned olive skin. Her eyes are a vibrant shade of green, so bright that people have checked to see if she wears colored contacts on multiple occasions. A button shaped nose and square jawline makes her eyes the most striking feature of an otherwise average girl. She prefers to wear tank tops, cargo pants and sneakers, usually in dark colors. She has been known to dress to the nines for special occasions though. And those who look closely can see the beginning of a large scar peeking out from the straps of her tanktop, right next to the left side of her spine. Personality: Rinna is a very independent, headstrong girl. She hates having to rely on others for anything. She's not overly chatty, but neither is she a brick wall when it comes to conversation. She does consider her words before she speaks them, but some serious snark can slip out of her unbidden on occasion. Being an only child, she is quite comfortable with being on her own, but has no problem being in the thick of the group either. Like most of the Kasai family, she has a magnetic sort of charm to her, that lends itself well to leadership. She also shows a familiar streak of mischief as well. That's not to say she doesn't have her flaws. Rinna has a knack for getting herself into trouble, specifically of the "I told you not to do that" variety. She's also reckless, trying things that others would describe as dangerous without so much as a second thought. Most of this behavior though, stems from the fear that she will not live up to her family name, that holds so much history in this valley. History: Long ago, the Kasai family was very prolific inside the valley, but over time, their power died out, and every living member of the clan moved away, wishing to give their space to those who would actually need it. Rinna is the first Kasai to set foot on these grounds in generations, and it as if every inch of the valley calls out to her. She is also the last of her line. A year ago, Rinna was in a car accident that killed both of her parents, and left her with a very large scar running down her back, along the entire length of her spine. Modern doctors are still baffled on how she managed to survive, and the police report of the incident mentions briefly that the entire back of the car was soaking wet, though only a single empty water bottle was found in the vehicle. She spent the remainder of the year in rehab, to ensure that an injury so close to her spine had not impaired her motor skills in any way. On her last day in rehab, a letter appeared for her at the front desk, a message claiming to be penned by an old family friend. It claimed her survival was no accident, or miracle, but a resurgence of the latent power of her family. He also mentioned a school where she could learn to control that power, just as her ancestors had. Before then, she had considered the stories of her ancestors to be nothing more than fairy tales, but it was clear that something outside of her normal experience had saved her. So she headed home, packed up her backpack, gave the keys of her home to her neighbor, (asking nicely if they would water the plants for her) and took off on her motorcycle. Equipment: Rinna doesn't keep much on her person aside from her wallet, motorcycle keys and a tube of dark red lipstick. But one very important item has been added to her person just recently. A very old, well cared for leather belt harness and dual sheaths for two equally old blade tonfa, that will no doubt be familiar to some members of the staff. There is a third sheath along the back, that remains empty, the blade that once belonged there lost to her family in ages past.