[color=ed145b][h2]Tomomi Katayama[/h2][/color] Tomomi just rolled her eyes at Heero's comment. Calling her a dunce was a little annoying, but she just smiled and brushed it off, waving away his comments with a roll of her eyes. [color=ed145b]"Yeah, sure, whatever you say Beero."[/color] she snickered, looking at the new kid. So, an American? Again, she didn't get why he'd actually chosen on his own to go to somewhere like Inaba. There was nothing here, unless you were really into empty fields and family stores. Still, she decided to be friendly to the American, even if he has really bad taste in towns. She listened to Will's introduction. She couldn't tell if his Japanese was bad or if he was just nervous. Eh. Her curiosity was satisfied now, but she supposed it was best to be polite to the American. With a grin, she replied to his introduction. [color=ed145b]"Will, huh? Cool."[/color] She walked in silence in front of the pair for a few seconds, noticing a shy-looking girl behind them, who she smiled cheerfully at. After a couple more seconds, she decided she was bored now. Tomomi turned and started to walk away from the pair, happy with knowing who the new guy was. After she got a few metres ahead, she realised that she hadn't even introduced herself yet. She turned and called out loudly, drawing the attention of a couple people nearby. [color=ed145b]"Name's Tomomi Katayama, got that? Don't you dare forget it!"[/color] she laughed, but her cheerful expression faded as she approached the school doors, overtaking a black haired guy. It wasn't gonna be that bad, right? Sure, none of the teachers even remotely liked her, and the subjects were boring, but... Who was she kidding. It'd be lucky if she made it to lunch without getting a lecture for something or other.