I've surprisingly seen a small amount of these RPs, but that's only natural considering this particular RPG is only a few days old! Now, I know that there are other superhero RPs out there already, but I've noticed that they sometimes require extensive writing (in the advanced section), for players to use an already existing character from a series, or for them to choose an ability for their characters from an already established list. Not saying that these ideas are bad or anything, but I think a bit of more freedom would be nice, especially in something like this. Elements from both Marvel and DC Universe can be included here, so people can feel free to use ideas from there to make their own Lantern Corps member or antiheroic symbiote (like I have already), or pretty much anything else you can think of so long as it's had some thought and effort put into it and not capable of beating the shit out of somehting like Galactus with little to no effort at all. Players would also be free to begin their own arcs and grand schemes of evil to add in some more interesting things to the RP, but by and by I myself will be including plotlines for everyone to follow. So... the question now is would anyone be interested?