[center][img]http://s8.favim.com/orig/150201/anime-anime-guy-art-kuroko-no-basket-Favim.com-2434839.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Damien Cray [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexuality:[/b] Straight [b]History:[/b] Damien grew up with a mother who was an English teacher, a father who was a contractor, and a little sister who was quite a bit younger than him. Damien used to be a good child with high grades and a diligent demeanor. He took care of all his homework, studied frequently, and did his chores. His parents, however, were worried about him due to his lack of interest in making friends, and pushed the issue whenever they could. Damien was quickly fed up with them and agreed to it just so he could get them off his case about it. Things started out alright as he began his attempts to make friends. He slowly grew into a more outgoing person, though he mainly stuck with a few close friends. As he grew up, though, he began to make a number of choices that changed who he was. He became more apathetic towards things like schoolwork to the point of skipping classes sometimes, causing his grades to drop, though they stayed above the level of worry (low B's). He got involved in more violent activities with people who tried to pick on him and/or others and was eventually able to hold his own against them. He became quite a free-spirited delinquent. The only thing that really stopped him from going all the way was his little sister, who he cared for quite deeply and always wanted to see a smile on, so he played the part of being the loving big brother. At one point in his life, while he had been doing his homework, he noticed that his pens and pencils had slight black marks around the areas he was holding them. As he wondered why those marks were there, he also began to notice the smell of smoke in front of him. By the time that he noticed that his pencil was beginning to catch fire, it was too late and a flame had appeared. Fortunately, he had a water bottle nearby and quickly extinguished the flame. With the immediate crisis over, Damien made the decision to forget the event even happened and did his best to ignore it. Unfortunately, it seemed like fate had other plans for him, as months later, a group of people managed to catch him alone. Damien put up a decent fight, but was overwhelmed and tazed into unconsciousness. [b]Power:[/b] Pyrokinesis: The ability to control flames. That's really all it is, at least so far, and even then, all he can do is produce a flame on the tip of a finger like a lighter