William looked into the tavern as the girl moved out of the way, apologizing for her prudent behavior. He waved it off, "You're fine, I just need t-" He started to say, before seeing what was inside the tavern, and feeling his stomach turn over. He felt another poignant spell of nausea wash over him as he saw the indescribable blackness spilling out in the Tavern. He swallowed hard, not wanting to throw up again, and he exhaled heavily as a horrible dizziness passed over him. He shivered, unable to tell if the outside was getting colder, or if it was just his body getting ready to vomit. He heard somebody suggesting that they should get inside, and he wasn't in any state to argue, so he weakly nodded and entered into the tavern, watching the darkness in the Tavern carefully as he tried to regain control of himself.