[h3][b][center][color=f6989d]~ Ajax Barnes/Weaver[/color][/center][/b][/h3] The young super took a sip from his glass bottle in order to facilitate the digestion of the last slice of pizza, his gaze fixed on Garbage as he did so. [i]How low should your self-esteem be to name yourself 'Garbage'[/i], he thought, throwing the empty bottle on one of the cans. He could trash talk (see what I did there?) about her all day, but he couldn't deny that she worked fast. His only response to her reply regarding his order was a nod, followed by a smirk, a genuine one. He thought of raising his glass in a mock celebratory gesture, only to hang his head low once he realized he had tossed the bottle away. He could be an idiot sometimes. Ajax almost jumped once Garbage laid down her invitation to join her paintball team, but he held himself at the last moment. He was mildly surprised to hear her refer to him by his alias, even though he sharply recalled that he never disclosed that piece of information with her. However, he did not make a big deal out of it. She most likely asked around about her teammates. It was also something Ajax would do, if he wasn't so hastily shoved in that flying metal container. His sight veered off into Heather as she was also asked to join Garbage's team. As a brash 17 year old kid who had no prior contact with another Gifted, Ax was truly fascinated by her powers. He was staring at her for a prolonged time, in a manner that was probably inappropriate. He wanted to know how much her powers had affected her personality. He could guess that it was a lot, as so far he only detected small traces of a personality. He visibly shook his head, essentially spilling out all the perturbing thoughts out of his head. His eyes changed location yet again, this time moving back to Garbage. His lips curved upwards for a blink and you'll miss it moment, until he opened his mouth to speak. [color=f6989d]"Eh, what the hell. I need to hone these powers somehow. I'll join in."[/color]