[hider=”Zepp”] [center][img]http://i66.tinypic.com/oa5fgh.jpg[/img] [i][s]As a member of Cipher Pol[/s][/i] (Eyes always appear closed and he usually doesn’t wear a mask)[/center] [u]{Name}[/u] [s]Mumyoumaru[/s] Zeppelli “Zepp” Kisaragi [u]{Height/Weight}[/u] 6’2”/ [u]{Age}[/u] Thirty-two [u]{Personality}[/u] [s]Mumyoumaru is a calm, cold and collected individual. Dedicated to his ideal of “Shadow Justice”, Mumyoumaru likes to carry things out swiftly and quietly, in order to allow the commonfolk to remain ignorant of the persistent war being waged between the World Government and the pirates/Revolutionary Army. All things considered, however, Mumyoumaru is rather polite, keeping a professional tone even to those whom he sees as enemies to “peace”. Surprisingly enough, he has a soft spot for things that would be considered “cute”.[/s] Those who have had the pleasure of meeting Zapp find him to be a very friendly individual who happens to be quite easy to talk to. On the other hand, he’s also known to be rather lazy and unreliable, often being found goofing off somewhere away from his post. There are times, however, when he seems to give off a “scary” vibe, particularly when it comes to interacting with pirates and revolutionaries. No matter what, he always has a smirk on his face, which can often clash with the words he’s saying. Has a soft spot for things one would consider “cute”. [u]{Home Island/Sea}[/u] [s]Wano Country[/s] Shimotsuki Village, East Blue [u]{History}[/u] [s]Not much is known about Mumyoumaru before he became a member of Cipher Pol, and many have only heard of him within the higher ranks of the World Government. Rumour has it that he’d been doing assassinations for the World Government before even joining Cipher Pol.[/s] Growing up in Shimotsuki Village, Zepp lived a fairly carefree life. In fact, young Zepp might have followed in his father’s footsteps as a fisherman if it weren’t for a fateful encounter with the Marines. One day, while out at sea with his father on the family’s fishing boat, a freak storm whipped up and wrecked their ship. By that point, they were already far from land, and the rough waters made it impossible to swim back. Convinced that he and his father would die that day, a ray of hope came in the form of a naval ship, apparently sent out to try and assist those caught out in the storm. It was thanks to the brave Marines on that ship that both Zepp and his father survived that day, and Zepp promptly came to the conclusion that he wanted to be a “cool hero guy” like the Marines from that day. As such, for the first (and some say the last) time, Zepp was hard at work to meet the qualifications to join the Navy. While he was certainly a promising recruit as far as his mental acumen and physical ability, it was quickly proven that his personality was a bit too lax for a Marine. So much so, that every time he was promoted, it was met with a fair share of ire. However, none could deny that Zepp is incredibly competent in moments where he actually bothers to do his job. As a result, he’s managed to land himself the position of Lieutenant Commander at the least. [u]{Fruit}[/u] Surface-Surface Fruit: A Paramecia type fruit that allows Zepp to become a 2D “shadow” on a surface. Usable for such purposes as slipping between impossibly tight spaces, hiding on thrown objects and a variety of other uses. Adding to the power’s utility is Zepp’s ability to make parts of his body three-dimensional while still attached to a surface. Zepp’s figure appears as a shadow on surfaces, so use of the power in infiltrations needs to be done with care. Furthermore, causing damage to the part of a surface that Zepp is on also causes damage to Zepp. [u]{Abilities/Race Traits}[/u] [s]Being a ninja from Wano Country, Mumyoumaru is skilled at Ninpo, stealth and the art of disguise. This, combined with his expertise in Rokushiki techniques (with Shigan, Soru and Kami-E being particularly high level) and the use of his devil fruit makes him a deadly individual. On top of all of that, Mumyoumaru is also a contortionist, capable of twisting his highly flexible body into a variety of positions.[/s] While Zepp is considered to be fairly lazy, he’s also known for being pretty quick and uncannily good at performing reconnaissance. While he tends to avoid engaging enemies directly, he appears to be more than capable of handling himself in a fight. Also, an absolute wizard on the harmonica. [u]{Fighting style}[/u] [s]Rather than focusing on big, powerful attacks, Mumyoumaru instead chooses to focus on precision strikes to an enemy’s vital points. When not tossing shuriken or fighting with a pair of short blades, he often defaults to using Shigan, a technique which he’s mastered to the point he’s also capable of using it at long range. Using the disorienting movement from rapid use of Soru and creative use of the Surface-Surface fruit, Mumyoumaru is incredibly good at working his way into an opponent’s blind spots even in direct combat.[/s] Zepp can be described as a defensive fighter, tending to react to opponents’ attacks by countering or grappling an opponent and restricting their range of movement. Frankly, Zepp would rather just dodge until the opponent exhausts their own energy or someone else comes to beat them up. [u]{Marine Rank}[/u] Captain, 99th Division (Formerly Lieutenant Commander) [/hider]