[b]Wraith.[/b] Things were certainly getting interesting, he hardly had to do a thing and this entire place was coming undone at the seams, he watched the Patriarch on the cameras as he ran from the rift room like a cockroach running from light. For this alone the job had been worth taking, a messiah indeed. A man could label themselves a lot of things but if they elevated themselves to demi-godhood they ought to have expected some tests in that area, mind you if it were not for his rather deranged little girl he'd likely not have survived this long, such a weak creature, it was a shame in some ways to allow him to live and potentially continue to weaken the gene pool. Of course if everyone was a genius of his calibre he'd be ought of work and surely the shame and despair the Patriarch was feeling was reward enough for now. "System, begin download of all archive data." He uttered plugging a USB stick into the drive, his employer would no doubt be quite happy to have the data that Patriarch had been hoarding like the little goblin he was. Stretching upon his chair he watched the chaos ensue. "Begin lock down procedure and be ready to blow the core." He uttered rubbing at his neck briefly. The system fired back the need for a password and Wraith waited a few long moments, watching as the Divines chased and tortured various little mutants such as himself. Well, some of them would no doubt make it out but there was no need to make it easy for them. "Password Zero Zero Five Zero Eight Delta Epsilon Whiskey Nine." There was a whirring of something and a heavy clunk as something slipped into place and Wraith stood from his chair and glanced briefly about his office. It would be a shame to leave all of this behind, worse still to blow it up but orders were orders, at least he had the back ups saved to that USB stick. 'Transfer Complete', the system echoed at him and Wraith removed his little USB Drive and placed it into his pocket. With little haste but a clearly determined path Wraith left the little room and as the door fell shut behind him the sound of the automatic locking system resounded heavily behind him, the lock down would take a few minutes and a minute or two after that the whole place would blow, it was far too easy with a system so reliant on electrical power and the stability of a very unstable artifact. Of course, Wraith had planned for this to eventually happen and as such had already pre-planned his escape route having the doors and elevators he'd need to get out to be one of the last to lock down. As he made his way into the first lift he began to whistle quietly, everything was going according to plan, better even, he had thought he'd need to sneak out and blow the place remotely while no one was looking but delicious chaos had given him the perfect chance to set his plan into motion. His boss would be pleased, a slight grimace briefly affected his lightly smiling visage before he dropped into a more natural semi-scowl. Below he could hear and feel the generators kicking in, it was so easy to break a machine all one had to do was tip the power slightly and [i]boom[/i] the first low sound of things starting to go wrong and he was back to whistling, glancing to the numbers on the lift as they flashed by. [b]Void[/b] Well weren't things getting wonderfully interesting, she watched, perhaps lurked was a better word for it, in the rift's split as the Patriarch did his spiel and then set to turning the little gathering into monsters, only some of them didn't change at all. Then there was gun fire and fighting and she positively howled with laughter, all but hanging form the rift's opening as the Patriarch beat a hasty retreat. She watched as some blonde haired critter deposited what looked like a pipe on the side and listened as it was announced that this bomb -really, it didn't much look how she imagined them- was going to blow in a few minutes and they all should probably scram. Of course, a bomb was unlikely to affect the rift much, if at all and so Void wasn't too worried about escaping as quickly as one could. Of course, the explosions force might enter the rift and she was uncertain how the denizens in the fog would respond to that kind of...attack. So for the time leaving the rift seemed the safer of options, she'd seen those things riled before, only once and it had been enough to have her lose her mind and her nerve, the latter she got back -with added caution- but the former had never recovered. Even now just thinking of those beasts caused a shiver down her spine and forced her to retreat to a safer distance, with a hop, skip and a twirl she broke a hole in the rift, away from the already existing tear, and stepped on out into the fresh sunlight. With a sigh she shrugged and began to half dance and half skip to the main gate, this close to the rifts tear it was always quite uncertain where one would end up which was why she often tried not to be too close to the rift itself. Once outside the gates and down the path she took to leaning against a tree, the shadows dancing across her frame and distracting her from the fireworks she was stalling here to see.