[hr][h1][color=lime]Edwyn Cenric[/color][/h1][hr] Edwyn's mouth had twitched when he read the flyer, the ghost of a smile. Money, adventure, a righteous cause, the flyer had practically sung to him. The tavern where they were to meet wasn't even too far away, maybe a few days travel by foot. [i]Of course, if I succeed in this, I'll be able to afford a horse.[/i] Now, as approached the Mountain Tavern, that phantom smile had graduated to a full face grin. He was in need of money, in need of some decent travelling companions, and, most importantly, in dire need of adventure. The promise of all three had been practically mouth-watering. Now that he was, perhaps a few hundred yards from the tavern, his heart began to flutter. He stopped for a moment, taking a drink from his waterskin. He decided he should double check his gear. He wouldn't want to be looking unprofessional around the others. Of course, that was exactly what he was, but they didn't need to know that, did they? So, he polished his sword and double checked the buckles on his armor. When he was certain that all was well, he bounded towards the tavern with a smile on his face.