[quote=@Chaotic Chao] Alright. The GM has spoken! We will shoot each other with the balls of paints. Plus, Lmpkio isn't co Gm now, he told me a few days back, and I forgot to take him off the co-GM list. I'm now looking for some new co-Gm(s). [@Krot] You think they should start, and play a little then the villains attack. Or let them play the whole game? [/quote] Aye, Aye Captain! My advice would be to play it by ear, as long as people seemed interested (still posting decent enough posts in IC fairly regularly) then it should continue and just as it begins to lose pace PLOT TWIST REAL COMBAT. You don't need to set rigid goals for when things should stop or start, just keep things moving enough that people have stuff to write about. I could co-GM for a while, I have the time right now and some experience being GM.