Elpha gulped nervously as she was called out from behind the tree, her eyes widening slightly. After a few seconds of planning she stepped out from behind her hiding place gingerly, making sure to look and act as innocent and shy as possible. [i]They wouldn't kill someone as sweet as me.. That'd be inhumane… [/i] Elpha stared at the two with wide, fearful eyes, her lips trembling. She stared at them wordlessly for a few seconds, as if she was dumbstruck. Unexpectedly, she burst out in tears, hugging herself tightly to feel some sort of security - [i]this was all acting, of course[/i]. [color=8493ca]"I-I'm sorry! I was curious.. I wa-anted to see what'd happened."[/color] She weeped, slowly approaching the two with her head lowered. [color=8493ca]"Do-ont kill me, I'm innocent."[/color] She continued to sob softly, coming down to her knees at their feet. Elpha would've never done this if she wasn't acting as it would've been humiliating, but her usual demanding attitude would've had her killed almost instantly. [@Doc Doctor][@dragonmancer]