[center] [b]Name:[/b] Maxim [b]Age:[/b] ??? [b]Element:[/b] Aether/Nether [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lx8g6rS84b1qi6yiyo1_500.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Maxim is not one for social settings and large crowds, he may enjoy that company of a few on occasion or working alongside a respected peer but he will usually avoid having to deal with too many people at once. He can be hard to read for obvious reasons and can often appear uncaring and cold though sometimes his emotions can be gleamed from his movements are even the atmosphere around him. [b]History:[/b] Maxim was among the early techmentals back when the practice was new and unknown with so much potential. While most others choose to harness lightning or even fire energy for their machines Maxim looked to aether, encountering much more difficulty but opening far more possibilities, some of which could be counted as little more than distant hopes and faded dreams. Developing an Aether core was major step as it became the basis for all the tech he created and aether itself became a key in some of his further research. He was able to use it to meld machinery with living beings, a procedure he spent a long time perfecting, and once he did he was able to give himself abilities akin to those of an actual elemental, if never quite as powerful and most often unstable as the the organic part of him couldn't always handle the output. His eventual decision was to simply abandon his body, creating a new one for himself using the Aether core though it wasn't enough to sustain himself within it. Frustrated, he turned to a far darker and even more dangerous element: Nether. Infusing the Aether core with Nether energy made it capable of containing his consciousness within, though yet it still remained unstable. Thankfully this was much easier to fix, the solution came as a second smaller core implanted in the head that would allow for control of both body and power. Finally came the part that was suppose to be the easiest: transference. He'd assumed that after everything he'd done moving his soul into a new body would be simple, and he was right, partially, the matter itself was simple to accomplish, however, as he had no assistants doing it himself would be complicated. He again resorted to combining Aether and Nether. Using Aether to establish a connection between his old body and his new one, then Nether to destroy his old one and force his soul along the connection to Aether-Nether core. Somewhere along the line something went wrong, Maxim to this day does not know what happened, and he was left trapped in a state of only half-existing, perhaps he was between passing on and remaining in this world, He felt as if, and is honestly sure that he'd spent an eternity in that state before, quite suddenly, he found that he'd succeeded "awaking" in the mechanical body. It was obvious that time had passed since he'd begun, he wasn't sure how much but it did seem as if not much "real-world" time had passed, perhaps only a few years, a decade at most. He was since discovered by the leading Techmentals Rein and Fizban, who brought him to the academy where he now resides. [b]Equipment:[/b] Maxim's guns: an array of devices Maxim utilizes in a fight. The weapons harness Aether, or Nether depending on Maxim, and fire it in focused beams to a devastating effect. The weapons themselves levitate around him and do not require his physical touch to operate. [b]Class Taught:[/b] Techmental. Occasionally available as a tutor in a few subjects. [/center]