[b][center]K Y O S H I S Q U A D 12 L I E U T E N A N T[/center] [/b] Kyo continued to follow her captain out of a sense of loyalty and trust that she had for the man, but even she was a little unsure about keeping secrets. Mainly because she so wanted to be prepared this time, to make sure nobody ied like before when she was the one dying because she wasn't ready! Soon enough they soon came to a stop and they were now stood outside a small village that was rather...empty looking to say the least and in turn left a rather creepy feeling behind. Following suit she moved into the house with him, only to look at the person, he was just a normal person right? Where they here to kick him out of the abandoned buildings for squtting? That seemed like a little overkill didn't it? [b]"Umm sir?"[/b] She asked, only to get her answer why they were here as the man came charging at them! Juki was fast on the uptake and blasted him with a hado which pierced the persons head causing them to fall to the floor... [b]"Captain?! What is going on? I think it is time you tell me!"[/b] She crossed her arms and glared at him, this was all pretty creepy, though she seemed unaffected by the person dying. [@Kurisa]