[hr][hr][center][color=f7941d][h1]RYN[/h1][/color][b]TRANSIT DEPOT, NEW ANCHORAGE [sub]AROUND NOON[/sub][/b][/center] [hr][hr] The ride from Seattle to New Anchorage was one of the shorter expeditions that Kathryn Dradht had done in her thirteen years of living life, as admittedly short her experiences behind the wheel of a mech had been. But no matter the experience of a rival pilot she always turned heads— though it wasn’t hard to understand why, what with her being as young and impetuous as she was. But it was that impetuousness that got her through the day and eventually earned her respect on the field. Deep within her stomach she knew that New Anchorage would be no different and that playing with others would just be something she’d get used to dealing with and as long as they didn’t cross her there wouldn’t be any problems; people who tried to get on her bad side didn’t end up too well. With a duffel bag slugged over her shoulder, Ryn looked around the station for the commander of the outfit that had taken her on; her foot tapping impatiently on the concrete floor as her free hand straightened the collar of her brown synthetic mesh jacket. The fact that the guy hiring her was not on time and she was almost had a sort of amusing irony to Ryn— her body resting against a support pillar as her right hand dug into her jacket pockets to retrieve an old world coin that she began playing with to bide her time. A few minutes later the clattering of footsteps moving toward her direction caught her ear and a snarky comment left her lips in a mutter. [color=f7941d]“About damn time.”[/color] The youthful pilot looked up at the man approaching— he definitely looked in charge based on her observations; though she wasn’t sure what [i]kind[/i] of person he was going to turn out to be. She had employers who barked at her, gave her the most minute of instructions, treated her like a braggart child, and condescended her. What sort of man was this one going to turn out to be? She had no interest in doing superfluous research on this “Graham” fellow or even New Anchorage; she was here to do the same thing she did independently. [color=olive]“Kathryn Dradht, I presume.”[/color] She shook her head as he used her formal name. [color=f7941d]“Ryn. You the employer?”[/color] He raised a brow. [color=olive]“I wouldn’t be talking to you otherwise, are you ready to get started?”[/color] [color=f7941d]“Suppose I am.”[/color] [color=olive]“Good. Follow me.”[/color] Generally this was around the time the employer asked her if she had any questions— and given her new “Commander” and the way he [i]walked[/i], she was surprised that hadn’t come up yet. Either he was in a rush, didn’t care, or there was a lot of other issues on his mind that he felt it’d be pointless to ask; or maybe a combination of all of supposed options. Either way, it was not like Ryn was teeming with questions and curiosity. As far as she was concerned— if you’ve seen one mech base you’ve seen them all. [color=olive]“You have a few weeks to pass all the required examinations and tests— but given your track record I don’t doubt you’ll handle it well. I’ll be having my administrative aid wire you the essential information within the hour to your datatool. I apologize that I cannot give you a more in-depth integration personally beyond throwing you to the cafeteria— but I’m sorting out a lot of issues and my time is becoming more diminutive by the second.”[/color] [color=f7941d]“As long as I know where I’m sleeping and when food is done, I’m pretty good.”[/color] [color=olive]“We’re only a few minutes into the NC pilots lunch term, so you’re in luck there. But yes, that will all be sorted within the hour.”[/color] Ryn nodded as she kept flipping the coin in her hand as they walked through corridor after corridor until the door opened to the Mess Hall— or what she assumed was a mess hall considering she had never been acquainted one in her entire life. Ryn nodded as she kept flipping the coin in her hand as they walked through corridor after corridor until the door opened to the Mess Hall— or what she assumed was a mess hall considering she had never been acquainted one in her entire life. As Graham moved forward ready to introduce her to her fellow pilots she ran through a quick look of the setup and who exactly the people she was going to be working with looked like. [color=olive]“Apologies to interrupt your lunch— but given Van Gent and other losses I have decided to take on an available contract with another pilot. I’m sure you’ll warm up to her and get her settled here at New Anchorage.”[/color] Graham turned to Ryn. [color=olive]“This is Ryn Dradht. The pilot of The Phantasm.”[/color] Ryn made a casual wave. [color=olive]“Now, if you excuse me… I have another meeting I’m late for, so please get her sorted. Thank you.”[/color] Ryn caught the coin she had tossed in the air with her right hand as she looked around. [color=f7941d]“Yo.”[/color]