Heero simply gave Tomomi a annoyed glance when she called him that name again and rubbed his forehead as Will looked at his friend with a confused glance. Will was not sure if that was the norm around here or not but he sure as hell wasn't expecting a girl to act like an anime caricature. [color=8dc73f]"Don't worry she's just the school's crazy chick. She's got a lot of energy but she shouldn't be that big of deal my man."[/color] Heero commented to his friend as Will just stared forward towards the school and nodded. [color=7ea7d8]"Fair enough I guess. Everyone's got their quirks."[/color] Will said in English as Heero simply rolled his eyes, [color=8dc73f]"You need to keep dude. Besides sounds like she likes you big dude!"[/color] Heero teases as Will shoved him with his hand and resisted the urge to flip him off as the two made their way foward. Heero kept laughing all the way there but not loudly. However Will only could blush a little and glare at his friend. He wasn't too big on getting picked on even as a joke. Still Heero was a close friend of his and he'd let it slide even if it was just this once. ==== [@akirashadow] As Akira approached the school everything was going as it usually did about this time of year most of the students were looking for their class rooms as stated on a board at the front of the school. There were a bunch of students there already looking for their classes or waiting for their friends. However one boy in particular was at the gate as Shiro Wanatabe was leaning on the gate as he spied out Akira and grinned. [color=f7941d]"Hey nerd boy finally able to walk to school without mommy? Good on you not wetting your pants anymore."[/color] shouted Shiro who snickered at him as he scratched his greasy black hair. His uniform was open and his white dress shirt was unbuttoned to the minimum acceptable length. His black pants were already dirty and his shoes were simple sneakers which were worn. His facial hair was cut but not very well making him appear even more scruffy. He was alone this time however his goons not around him as he picked up a nearby stick and chucked it at Akira. It was a small thing not big enough to even hurt anyone with but just big enough for it to be annoying to be pegged with. [color=f7941d]"Heads up chowder brains."[/color] Shiro taunted after he threw the stick.