[centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjM2LjY4NWQ1YS5UbUZ0WlEsLC4w/tribeca.regular.png[/img] [b][color=silver]Grant Hotchner[/color][/b] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjM2LjY4NWQ1YS5RV2RsLjAA/tribeca.regular.png[/img] [b][color=silver]46[/color][/b] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjM2LjY4NWQ1YS5SMlZ1WkdWeS4wAAAA/tribeca.regular.png[/img] [color=silver][b]Male[/b][/color] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjM2LjY4NWQ1YS5SbUZqZEdsdmJpQW1JRTlqWTNWd1lYUnBiMjQsLjAAAAAAAA,,/tribeca.regular.png[/img] [color=silver][b]Ingen Corporation / Head of Island Security[/b][/color] [hider=Grant Hotchner] [img]http://i961.photobucket.com/albums/ae100/DarkWolfProductionsX/jurassicparkidGrantH_1.png[/img] [/hider] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjM2LjY4NWQ1YS5VR1Z5YzI5dVlXeHBkSGssLjAAAAAAAAAAAAA,/tribeca.regular.png[/img] [color=silver][b]Grant is a rather strict and reserved person in his entirety, being of a rather long military background he comes off a lot like a drill instructor when it comes to work and a very quiet secluded person when it comes to off hours. Grant has an air of authority about him at all times and he is a born team leader and prefers to be at the helm. However it is not true that he is a control freak or that he suffers as an ego maniac, he just prefers to do it himself instead of letting other people do it for him. Grant finishes what he starts and does not give up regardless of whatever the situation may be, he is strong willed, intelligent, and is one who while demands respect also never forgets that you must earn respect. Loyal to a fault Grant is not in any way a mindless drone, he does not allow himself to be manipulated if he can help it, and at the end of the day he will do what he feels is right as apposed to doing what he is told is right. Outside of the hard shelled man he is Grant is also a very kind and considerate man as well, being an introvert when it comes to his emotions most people think he comes as as a hard ass or an unforgiving asshole, but in reality he just comes from a line of hard nosed military men and showing emotion is hard. Grant like any person has times when things can become too much, he is just less likely to show it then you would. Grant on the inside is a caring man, a man who lives by morals as apposed to living vicariously, and if those morals were to ever be threatened he would not hesitate to fight back because of it. All in all while Grant may not be the man you wanna have a beer with at the end of the day, you can know above all else he has your back and will not leave a man behind if he has any say over it. If your loyal and respect him he will give the exact same back in return.[/b][/color] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjM2LjY4NWQ1YS5TR2x6ZEc5eWVRLCwuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/tribeca.regular.png[/img] [color=silver][b]Grant was born into a military family, his father, his mother and his two older brothers were all part of the military so naturally he was raised in a very military like household. From a young age he was often held at higher standards then most kids his age. His family not believing in the school system had Grant privately home schooled up until the point where he was of sufficient age to join the ROTC Program. Grant joined the ROTC program when he was fourteen with his families military connection and quickly rose through the academy, by the time he was legally becoming a man he had been ear marked for almost several different locations within the United States Armed Forces. Being proud of his father his brothers and family before him who had been military, Grant joined the United States Marine Corp. Grant served in the Marines for almost six years, gaining many commendations and promotions through his first year before he transferred to special operations unit that worked out of foreign enemy countries. Grant was part of this operations group for most of his young life and well into his adult life, Grant was only thirty five when his military career came to and unfortunate end in the form of a grenade in a botched up mission. Grant suffered major damage not only to his legs but also took a fair amount of shrapnel too his face which blinded him. Grant spent almost three months laying in a hospital bed unable to see and unable to move his legs. It was within that time that he was told that his sight may or may not return, the damage to his eye's had been severe, however if he desired they could preform and elective new surgery that might give him his sight back, but he risked being blind completely with no chance of recovery if he did so. Grant took the surgery and he hoped for the best in it, the surgery ended up being a complete success and within the few months of healing Grants eye sight had returned, it was fairly diminished in someways and he would never be 20/20 again but he could see and that was all that mattered. After the return of his sight, Grant also found the will to get out of that bed and walk again. It took a year and many painful rehabilitation sessions and many surgeries but Grant walked out of that rehabilitation center on a pair of strong legs. Grant eventually returned home to open arms, he was greet back like a hero and in lue of his service being done to his country, Grants father was prepared to find him a job within the military, with both of their credentials combined it was a no brainer to get him a post somewhere. It seemed for the first time in a long time that life was returning to normal and becoming good again, however it was not meant to be in the very end. It was only a couple months after his rehabilitation that Grant and his family received the news that his two older brothers had been Kill In Action in an all out offensive. The family was hit hard with the news but none more harder then Grant's father, being of an older age and not perfect health as it was Grants father did not long survive the funerals of not only one son but two and died of a massive coronary because of it. After the death of not only his brothers and his father Grant's only remaining family his mother was stricken by grief and unable to cope with so much of it she took her own life and just like that Grant's world was over, his entire family gone. After the death of his family Grant fell off the grid and disappeared, no one could find him and in all earnestly Grant just wanted to be alone, he wanted to forget, he wanted to just die somewhere far away from others. However fate had other plans for him, and it became reality when he was approached by Ingen Corporation. Due to his military background and his experience Ingen offered him a high paying job within their security operation on an Island named Isla Delmaro, at first he was content on rejecting their offer not caring or wanting to be part of the organization, he had heard like everyone else the incident that took place within Jurassic World. However after much negotiation Grant was brought into the loop and made Head of Security on Isla Delmaro and charged with making sure what happened on Isla Nublar never happened again and he was also charged with ensuring that Ingen assets were kept guarded from those who would try to destroy them. Despite all the secrecy and many other things with Ingen Corporation Grant has worked for the company loyally and takes his job seriously.[/b][/color] [hider=Preferences] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjM2LjY4NWQ1YS5UR2xyWlhNLC4w/tribeca.regular.png[/img] [color=silver]- Grant enjoys solitude wherever he can find it, being on a rather distant island is perfect for him and he often finds himself at his private bungalow which is located away from the main facility of the island. - Grant enjoys reading, rather more so then he used to and has an extensive collection of books which he now keeps in his private dwelling. - Grant also loves music and is often listening to it whenever he has a chance too on his off hours, music has been the best therapy for him sense the events in his life tore down his world. - Grant loves the beach as well besides the ocean side, he could lay out there for hours and not move, there is just something soothing about the sand and the call of the ocean itself as it hits the shore. - Grant enjoys his work, while he may not necessarily like the big wigs or the company hierarchy itself Grant enjoys his job on the island and the people in which he keeps safe and works with. It is those good people that make his job worth doing.[/color] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjM2LjY4NWQ1YS5SR2x6VEdsclpYTSwuMA,,/tribeca.regular.png[/img] [color=silver]- Grants biggest pet peeve in the world is disrespect, he does not like being disrespected, and if you disrespect him you will quickly find yourself on the wrong side of the wrong man. - Grant also hates reckless behavior, there is no reason to him to be stupid or to be brash, this often leads to incidents and those incidents can lead to injury or death - Grant most definitely hates Ingen's hierarchy, the big wigs and the lawyers and the men and woman who feel they can come to the island and act like they own him or his co-workers. - Grant despises unneeded or unnecessary violence if it be between humans or if it be between animals, there is a lot of the time other ways to deal with disputes other then drawing blood with fists. - Grants second pet peeve top on the list is laziness, if your going to do a job then do your damn job and waste your own time on your off hours.[/color] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjM2LjY4NWQ1YS5SbVZoY25NLC4wAAA,/tribeca.regular.png[/img] [color=silver]- Grants biggest fear would almost certainly have to be loss, he had lost so much in his life and he does not wish to lose anyone or anything more, he will fight tooth and nail to stop this from becoming reality. - Grants second biggest fear would be failing those who depend upon him, it is one thing to see someone fall and you were unable to do anything about, but another when it was your job to stop them from falling and they still fell. - Grants third biggest fear would have to be returning to the darkness he found himself in after his family died, for the longest time he sat in that darkness and now that he has breathed the fresh air and bathed in the light once more he does not wish to ever see that darkness again within himself.[/color] [/hider] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjM2LjY4NWQ1YS5SWGgwY21FLC4wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/tribeca.regular.png[/img] [color=silver][b]Despite his distaste for the higher ups who work for Ingen, the various workers on Isla Delmaro whom he had known now for a time and protects have become like a second family too him. It was these people and the connections he has formed with them that brought him back from the brink of his depression and the darkness he dwelled in. He will protect these people with his life, and will not for a second hesitate to eliminate any threats to them if it be by animals or it be by human hand. These people mean the world to him and he will do anything to keep that connection alive.[/b][/color][/centre]