[img]http://i.imgur.com/0x4Kjle.png[/img] [color=E3AA00]"Reboot sequence complete. All systems nominal."[/color] The synthesized voice announced, as a myriad of orange lights flared up on Archimedes' main display, showing the Armani Corporation Systems logo for just a brief second before switching to a pair of dots, someone's comical attempt at simulating eyes. [color=AAAAAA]"Alright. 4rch1M3d3Z, display user settings."[/color] The technitian requested, a noticeable irritability in his voice. His mood seemed to improved during the second of silence that followed his request. [color=E3AA00]"Access denied. User lacks the required-"[/color] was what the machine had been spewing over and over again for the past couple days. After the boarding process for the ark had begun, Archimedes' administrator settings had been transfered to the Admiral, and now the poor technician to whom it had been assigned had been struggling to get it to respond to even the most basic of commands. The technician sighed with frustration and left the uncooperative machine in its coffer, strapped and connected to the machines for its analysis and repair, making his way to a nearby chair to rest for a moment. As he picked up his cup of coffee, the admiral's voice came through the speakers, a ship-wide announcement. [color=227722]"... I have faith, now. Action stations, all hands prepare for lift-off."[/color] The techician raised his sight to the speakers as the admirals final words were delivered, and then back to Archimedes' who'd sprung to life and was slowly floating out of the coffer. [color=AAAAAA]"Hey! 4rch1M3d3Z, stop!"[/color] he demanded, rushing in front of the AI, cables stretching out from the expensive machinery. The syntheziser wirled and buzzed once more, patching the string of words: [color=E3AA00]"Administrator recognized, Rear_Aldmiral_William_Locke. Activating activity protocols."[/color] as it lowered itself to meet the metallic flooring of the technician's room. [color=E3AA00]"Does guest user, [i]technician[/i] require immediate assistance?"[/color] The AI questioned as the man made the best of this time-waste to disconnect the machine. [color=E3AA00]"Does guest user, [i]technician[/i] require immediate assistance?"[/color] the question came in japanese this time, as was specified by one of the many administrators' user preferences. [color=AAAAAA]"No. Now-"[/color] the techician was about to order Archimedes to deactivate when the AI interrupted. [color=E3AA00]"Please stand aside."[/color] was what came out of the tiny speakers. [color=AAAAAA]"What?"[/color] the man asked, standing dumbfounded as the robot made its way around him, and out the private suite's door. [color=E3AA00]"Proceeding with activity protocol zero. Begining maintainance sequences."[/color] was the answer the man got as he tried to follow the Ion Cannon-propelled machine, only to realized he'd left his credentials inside the room. Hundreds of scematics for the Ark Vitae flashed past Archimedes visor simultaneously, as the quantum processor made short work of the pathing algorithm to get it to the Bridge. The route was traced through the HUB's airspace, calculating an average speed of 600km/h, full thruster capacity for the straight segments. A large hourglass symbol was diplayed instead of Archimedes's "face" as it flew across the HUB, and the QPU ran calculations on both the unit's flight and the Ark Vitae's status, with the limited information it could retrieve from Archimedes' restricted access to the ship's server. As it finally reentered the hallways and was forced to slow down to prevent human injury, Archimedes' sensors picked up the ship's shift in momentum and visual contact was confirmed on the Head of the Engineering Division. The radiator on its chest heating up as new calculations were run and the simulation model updated, Archimedes aproached the man as the magnetic pull from its legs brought it to a stop. [color=E3AA00]"Sub-Administrator identified. Maintainance protocols are in place. Please instruct."[/color] the machine urged him.