[hider=Spencer Davenport] [center][h1][color=ed145b]Spencer Davenport[/color][/h1][hr] [IMG]http://fotos.fotoflexer.com/b2b876cb742f09a35988f063a1801b6d.jpg[/IMG] [b]"I'm here. I'm there. I'm everywhere."[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1Czsw7OPUI]B.o.B - Out of My Mind ft. Nicki Minaj[/url] [/center] [hr] | [color=ed145b][b]Full Name[/b][/color] | Spencer Nathaniel Davenport | [color=ed145b][b]Nickname[/b][/color] | Spencer, Spence | [color=ed145b][b]Alias[/b][/color] | Decoy | [color=ed145b][b]Birth Date[/b][/color] | 05/22/2003 | [color=ed145b][b]Age[/b][/color] | 22 (Almost 23) | [color=ed145b][b]Species[/b][/color] | Human | [color=ed145b][b]Gender[/b][/color] | Male | [color=ed145b][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | Pansexual | [color=ed145b][b]Alignment[/b][/color] | Chaotic Good | [color=ed145b][b]In-Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | At first glance you may notice that he isn't all that big, but upon further inspection you'll noticed that he's quite athletic and has the defined muscles to prove it. Spencer is in really great shape despite the junk food he devours on a daily basis. He stands at 5'9 and weighs about 145. He has a slender, yet muscular frame that looks stronger than it appears. He has naturally brunette hair that he dies blonde on a frequent basis that he styles in a knockoff version of a pompadour. His looks are above average as many people think he's a model when they first meet him. Thoughts such as "he looks as if he just walked out of an Abercrombie and Fitch store." His facial features are ruggedly handsome and his skin is clear to perfection. What people tend to notice is that he has a bit of a baby face, with his lips being more noticeable. His greens eyes are just the icing on the cake. He also has a gemini tattoo on his right hip bone. Spencer normally wears anything that looks good whether it's high end or Walmart. His favorite stores are Urban Oufitters and H&M which deduces that most of his attire his urban street wear. Casual with a little bit of dressy is what he normally aims for with black being the number one color he wears. As far as shoes, he'll wear athletic shoes, to boots, to dress shoes depending on the occasion. Overall his style is very eclectic. | [color=ed145b][b]Abilities[/b][/color] | [color=f6989d][b]Self Replication[/b][/color] - Spencer can create identical physical living duplicates of himself through will or physical impact of the body. The duplicates think, feel, and act independently, though guided by the original which are linked to him telepathically and empathetically. Spencer can absorb them back into himself at will, at the same time absorbing the memories, skills and experiences of the duplicate. He can also use his replication as a form of healing either by making copies of himself to "spread out" the damage, or by absorbing a healthy clone to lessen his injuries. It is virtually impossible to distinguish the original from the duplicates as they are all exactly identical down to their fingerprints. [color=f6989d][b]Object Replication[/b][/color] - Spencer can also replicate non-living objects through will. He has total control over these copies and can merge them back together if needed. The cloned objects are exactly the same as the original and cannot be distinguished otherwise. This is mainly used for Spencer to replicate weapons in battle or to create decoys. [s][b][color=f6989d]Regenerative Replication[/color][/b] - Spencer possess extreme regeneration, allowing him to not only recover from any wound almost instantly, but even regenerate separated body parts into full bodies, each as powerful as the original. This is caused from his white blood cells constantly multiplying themselves, reducing his aging factor and increasing his healing rate. This tremendous life-force is associated with biological immortality, allowing him to never age or die. All bodies are connected together in a unique hive mind.[/s][b][Has yet to acquire this ability][/b] | [color=ed145b][b]Limitations[/b][/color] | Although Spencer can create multiple duplicates, and the duplicates themselves can also replicate, each dupe only able to create one duplicate at a time; he is able to produce around forty duplicates before no more can be created. As stated before, he is telepathically and empathetically linked to his duplicates. So if one dies, he suffers from severe, potentially fatal, trauma. If the original were to die, the rest of the clones would die as well. The only limit to this absorption is he can't absorb a dead dupe. There is a weight limit to the objects he replicates being only a few pounds. So he can't replicate cars, buildings, or other large structures as of yet. | [color=ed145b][b]Equipment[/b][/color] | [list][*]9mm pistol (That he can replicate) [*]Extra 9mm pistol clip (That he can replicate) [*]Assortment of knives (That he can replicate) [*]Grenade (That he can replicate) [*]Wallet w/ Passport and money [*]iPhone 6s [/list] | [color=ed145b][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] | [list][*]Indecisive [*]Sporadic [*]Comedic [*]Adventurous [*]Free-Spirited [*]Sarcastic [/list] | [color=ed145b][b]Personality[/b][/color] | If you were to look up the definition of 'Free-Spirit' in the dictionary, I'm sure you'd find a picture of Spencer right next to the definition. He is a very outgoing individual and its very hard for him not to make friends with just about anyone. Spencer is the type to crack inappropriate jokes at the wrong time in which people would just turn and give him the evil eye. He's the comedy relief during awkward situations and it usually isn't hard for him to make someone laugh. Ever since he was young, he's always been the adventurous and daring type to do things he wanted to do with no inhibitions. Often times he's very random and catches people off guard with his thoughts and actions. One of the few ways he displays this behavior is when he pranks other people. Spencer will do it at any time regardless of their mood. It makes it worse even more since he can multiply himself and cause double, triple and even quadruple the trouble. Its usually a funny sight when you see him talking to one of his own 'dupes'. He tends to walk in twos and threes normally since he can't stand being alone. Because of his upbeat personality, he hates when others bring him down. He's the type to just roll his eyes when there is a 'Debby Downer' present. He'll do his best to cheer them up, but if they don't budge then he just pays them no mind. Spencer is the type to stand hold to his beliefs and won't back down from anyone. He hates bigots and prejudice individuals and speaks openly about it. Being from the south, he was exposed to it on a daily basis and made sure to never pass on the hate he was raised around. It also doesn't hurt that he has deep southern accent that people seem to rather enjoy. | [color=ed145b][b]Quirks[/b][/color] | [list][*]Has a tendency to talk to himself (literally). [*]He is the best multi-tasker in the world. [*]He'll randomly burst out laughing from thinking of jokes that aren't funny. [/list] | [color=ed145b][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] | [list][*]Playing video games with himself [*]Playing sports with himself [*]Eating abnormally large amounts of food [/list] | [color=ed145b][b]Likes[/b][/color] | [list][*]Sports [*]Video Games [*]Eating [*]Social Media [*]Traveling [*]Pranks[/list] | [color=ed145b][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] | [list][*]Close-Minded people [*]Spiders [*]Pessimism [*]Arrogance [*]Liars [*]Mushrooms[/list] | [color=ed145b][b]Fears[/b][/color] | [list][*]Being alone [*]Being forgotten [*]Tight Spaces[/list] | [color=ed145b][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color] | Shreveport, Louisiana | [color=ed145b][b]Family[/b][/color] | Jessica Davenport - Mother Hank Davenport - Father Janelle Davenport - Sister Mary Davenport - Grandmother on father's side ([i]Clairvoyant[/i]) | [color=ed145b][b]History[/b][/color] | Spencer Davenport was born an army brat to Hank and Jessica Davenport during the summer of '03. While his mother was pregnant with him, it was said she had many complications during her pregnancy. There were times she felt there were more than one child in her and had expressed this to her doctor. She would literally witness her stomach contract and grow several times which caused her extreme pain. Every time she would get checked, there was just one child. It was the roughest nine months she ever had and she didn't know what was going on inside of her. Fast forward after the pregnancy and she was mother of a healthy son. There were no signs of him being different so Jessica just wrote it off as just another rough pregnancy. Growing up, Spencer of course was that stereotypical trouble maker child who couldn't sit down if his life depended on it. He was quite a handful to watch, but was always in the care of some adult with them living on an army base due to his father being in the military. Fast forward another few years and he's in high school being just as bad as he was when he was younger. It's not that he was a mean person, he just had the attention span of a gnat and was always wanting move around. With this, his father began to teach him basic military teachings and combat to give him a bit more discipline. It seemed to work for the most part, but he would never be the passive child they wish he was. It was also round this time when his abilities started to manifest. There were times when Spencer's parents would walk by his room and swear he was talking to himself. When they would walk in, it would just be him by himself. Little did they know, their son could split himself into multiple Spencers which started when he bumped into a door and the impact caused a dupe to be separated from his body. He was always afraid to tell anyone thinking they would just ship him off to be poked and prodded by some mad scientists. It wasn't until later that he learned there were others that could do what he did including his grandmother until recently, didn't know she was psychic. He soon developed a special bond with her from then on. After he graduated from high school, he went on to college at LSU to get a degree in Criminology. He started to practice and embrace what he could do which led him to want to help others with his abilities. Which is why he would be glad to except any invitation that would help others. | [color=ed145b][b]Extra[/b][/color] | Jean Grey (The Phoenix) Time Zone: Central Standard Time CST (UTC -6) This is a High-Casual RP, so I suggest you bring your A-Game! [sub]Face Claim: Markus Anston Triplets[/sub] [/hider]