[center][color=bc8dbf][h3]???[/h3][/color] Plaza San Francisco [@ADamnFiddle] [@Raijinslayer][/center] Those early birds who were arriving at the plaza a few minutes early would, unsurprisingly, not find anyone there holding a sign that read "Grail War Luncheon". After all, something like that would be idiocy at its finest. However, what was actually present was perhaps almost as idiotic. Among the buildings near the plaza, one would stand out to any magus or Servant. Around a rather large building that sat on the outskirts of the plaza itself, a Bounded Field was erected. The Bounded Field in question had the property of being "unnoticeable", but was so rudimentary in design that any magus would be capable of realizing its presence in a heartbeat; the only people who would be incapable of noticing the building would be those who lacked knowledge of magecraft. In that sense, it served the role of a sign to the magi, while remaining invisible to the populace. Or at least, that was the plan. There were obvious holes with such an idea, but hopefully whoever was responsible had thought things through. At any rate, the building stood there, unlocked doors beckoning to those who arrived.