[@Zenphilvian][@banjoanjo][@Suku][@chukklehed][@Mistress Dizzy][@HereComesTheSnow][@demonspade64] [B]School Side[/B] The thing sought to capitalise on Kaede's moment of weakness. It sped towards the boy, inhuman movements eerie and frightening in their sheer peculiarity. It was intent on his demise, and from the cackling, ethereal pumpkin head that was growing further and further distinct behind its cracked, faceless visage, and the flames trickling down its arms, it was clear that the false impression of Tomoda, the Shadow that had imitated the unconscious boy's form, possessed the ability to fulfil its desire to murder the drama club captain. Yet the injuries it had sustained throughout the long battle were too severe. It was too slow, too focused on Yamamoto, to evade the black orb that Senhime's Persona had launched at it. The ball of darkness engulfed the entirety of its left side, leaving nothing but emptiness in ts wake. Before it could react further, Metis was already upon it, brutally striking hard against its faceless head with a savage blow. Silence. Slowly, the Shadow broke apart, dissipating into bits and pieces of black ooze, before fading away into pinpricks of golden light. Only a spark of blue remained, fizzling in the air, and even that immediately winked away. The mass of Shadows that had tried to take advantage of Tomoda's vulnerability, yet had only managed to imprint upon him, was gone. It had been defeated. And light began to return to the dark void they were trapped within.