Its raaaaining outside. Just to confuse you [@Buddha] my timezone will be changing on Thursday for 9 weeks(ish) and my ability to instant answer some peoples questions will... disappear. Nah we shouldn't need to have a timezone roll call as people will have plenty of time, no-one should feel preasured to post or to not post at any point. Only time it is unacceptable is if your in a group IC and you're leaving some poor soul behind. [@obisemkenobi] 1) For military, it was received in the form of a reassignment request where they where later informed of what was going on. Every one else was met in person to have the program discussed with them. 2) There'll have been a series of interviews conducted with a recruiter where you would have had a chance to ask any questions you had. 3) You would have reported to Turov, though bear in mind the boarding finished weeks ago.