As Anna danced with the gentleman, she was able to fully let go and just be herself. None of the people knew who she was except for Lucille. Anna didn't have to worry here about engagements or protecting her family name. No one here was watching her to see if she would make a mistake, she felt so free of her burdens for this one night. Of course if her mother found out, she'd probably be locked in her room for the rest of the voyage. As the songs changed, Anna clapped along with everyone else. She watched as a fine, Frenchman appeared and asked to cut in. Her initial partner looked to her as if to ask if it was okay and Anna smiled and nodded, "Thank you." It had been a while since a man had even considered her opinion. When the music started again, she resumed dancing with her new partner. Taking his hands, she smiled as they made their way around the floor, spinning and dipping. He was a great dancer, leading her and having no problem with the fast pace of the song. After a few more dances, Anna was indeed tired, she could use a refresher. "Oh please, after such fine dancing you can call me Anna," she said with a gentle laugh as she offered her his hand to shake or kiss, however Frenchmen preferred. She would then look through the crowd as they approached the bar, seeing Lucille still on the dance floor with a handsome, blonde male, possibly the guy she had met while boarding. Anna didn't really care about that at the moment, Lucille was more than capable of handling herself, Anna was more interested in spending the short time she had left at the party getting to know her handsome partner, his accent just making him more intriguing. Anna had already had a beer so she smiled and replied, "A wine would be great, thank you." Realizing that she had no coins because this was a surprise, she blushed a bit. "I do not have any coins, I will be in your debt, kind sir," she smiled, accepting the wine glass from the bartender. Anna took a rather large swallow of the sweet drink when he asked if she was from first class, "Is it that obvious?" she asked with a short laugh, eyeing his watch. "How interesting, I've never met a watchman before," she nodded, taking another sip of her drink. Anna didn't want to tell him the real reason for her being on the ship, "No, I am not starting over in America, although I wish I could, I am not that privileged," she smiled. She really appreciated his humor, and laughed at his last comment, "With all the greed and conceit, I'm surprised that there is even any wine left on this ship," she said, shaking her head and finishing her drink. Anna was having such a good time, she didn't even notice Lucille as she made her way over to the two. "Excuse me sir, I am sorry, but the lady and I must return to our cabins," she said, with a bow to Mathieu. Anna frowned as Lucille wrapped her arm around Anna, she really didn't want the night to end, but she knew it was best to leave now before her mother or fiance grew curious of her whereabouts.