[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/37/49/b8/3749b8ffd9472ae1ed066866c6a830b3.jpg [/img] [color=82ca9d][b]JACKAL VENTMAW[/b][/color] Location: Archepeligo known as the Conomi Islands. Interacting: [@Ira] [@LokiLeo789] [@malmshodes] My heart sank as I saw the navy already barraging us with cannon fire. "Captain you cant be serious in picking a fight with the navy!" I said as I tossed the massive sac of goods on the new ship. I looked to see Melany finally join us, we can leave now without any incident. "Lets cut our losses and get out of here before they crush us." I sighed as I watched a stray cannonball head towards us, with surprising speed I would leap in front of the group and brace my arms in front of me, the cannon ball would explode upon contact, surrounding me in debris, but as the smoke clear I appeared unharmed, though my eyes were squinted as I looked to the ship who was firing.