[quote=@UnknownScarlet4] [color=8882be]"alright."[/color] Marisa said to the housekeeper. she then felt a tap on her shoulder from behind, and turned around to face Marlene. when Marlene asked if Marisa would like to join her at the café Marisa replied[color=8882be]"wha..? oh, sure."[/color] and grabed the guilder bank note.[color=8882be] "Appreciate the thought but...what is this..?"[/color] Marisa asked, inspecting the note. [@Fugitive 22] [/quote] Marlene blushed. "a 10 guilder bank note from my native Holland." She then went out the door walking down to the local cafe where the aroma of freshly baked pastries and roasted coffee awaited her with a every step she took down a nearby path. "how I long to taste the bold flavor of Java with it intoxicating lour." She paused for a moment waited for Marisa to join up with her.