[center][h3][b][u][color=088A85]M a r x o [/color][/u][/b][/h3] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/drf4uf.png[/IMG] [b] East Blue | Conomi Islands[/b][hr] As last of the crew finally showed up Marxo decided he should give everyone orders, [color=088a85] “ You would be correct Mel. As you guys know by now I’m very fond of retreat so I don’t plan on my crew running from one measly crew of Marines. Xerxes has already cut the numbers by two-thirds. Jackal. I want you to fend off the lesser marines while Xerxes takes care of the main threat. I don’t need anyone getting in his way , including you.”[/color] Marxo jumped from the mass of the ship and landed majestically on the land. [color=088a85] “ Melany if you don’t mind , I want you to board the ship. I’d rather not lose my doctor in the crossfire like last time.”[/color], The thought made Marxo laugh on the inside. He reached towards all the equipment his crew had brought back. [color=088a85] “ Shrink.”[/color] . All the supplies were soon funsize and alot easier to carry. [color=088a85] “ Here you are. These should be alot easier to carry. Prepare the ship for departure and don’t worry we’ll be on it .”[/color] Just as these words left the captain’s mouth , he felt a surge of uneasiness tingle down his spine until it touched his very soul. There was someone else. Someone stronger. Marxo didn’t know if he was friend or foe and that’s what bothered him. There was a man approaching the ship. He seemed oblivious to the situation at hand. Of course his crew didn’t notice . Marxo was the only one proficient in mantra. [color=088a85] “ Hey you? Swordsman. Have a word with me on my boat . I want to discuss something of dire importance and I believe you know what I mean.”[/color] , Marxo called out to the man. He had already decided he’d try to ally with the man instead going against him. Honestly he’d only be digging his grave if he did. At that moment the marine ship came crashing into the port. [color=088a85] “So much for navigation skills aye Captain.”[/color] , Marxo taunted the livid Gorilla Man. [color=088a85] “ Sorry I haven’t introduced myself yet, Im Marxo and these are my…..”[/color] His words were cut short by the high speed cannonball. [color=088a85] “ I’m going to guess the monkey has lost what little humanity he once clung to since you annihilated his friends. I have prior business to handle with the gentleman in the white coat. Would you mind calming his burning heart Xerxes. As i stated before . Try not to destroy the coat if you can. It would be a nice keepsake.”[/color] With this being said Marxo grabbed have the equipment and turned to the man standing at the edge of the pier. [color=088a85] “ As you can see we don’t have time to dilly-dally Xelo.”[/color] He then returned to the ship , lesser bags clasped in between his fingers. [@Tsukoreyu][@LokiLeo789][@malmshodes][@dragonmancer][@NachoBachoPacho][/center][hr] [center][h3][color=purple][b] Ryuma Zenki[/b][/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/aC54HCZ.png[/img] [b]East Blue|Loguetown[/b] [@CannedBread] [hr] Ryuma began to speak to his underlings .[color=purple] “ Alright you maggots. Here’s the plan. You will go out here and destroy these pirates in the name of Justice. You have the advantage of strength in numbers so bombard the fuck out of them. I will not tolerate failure. Take as many of your fellow man as you see fit. You ARE NOT ALLOWED TO RETURN TO HEADQUARTERS WITHOUT THIS SITUATION BEING DIFFUSED. IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?!?[/color] [color=skyblue] “YESSIR!”[/color] , the naval squad bellowed like an in sync chorus as they bum rushed the naval gates. After everyone had left , Ryuma turned his attention to Adrian. [color=purple] “ As for us, we will watch from the rooftops till I decide we should step in. i take it you have no objections correct?”[/color][/center]