[center][img]http://s33.postimg.org/6nrdrs9a7/IMG_20160610_104224.jpg[/img] [h1][color=Crimson]Xerxes[/color][/h1][/center] [list] Location: [*] Archepeligo known as the Conomi Islands. [/list] [list] Interacting: [*][@dragonmancer] [*][@malmshodes] [*][@Ira] [*][@NachoBachoPacho] [/list] [hr] Xerxes frowned as he watch the oncoming barrage of cannonballs, thrown at a speed that no gun could produce. The thought of blowing them up in mid air crossed his mind, but the sheer force in which they were thrown would warrant a series of explosions that could destroy the Mental Floss. Explosion after explosion rocked the city, its inhabitants watched helplessly as the ones sent to protect them, were bombarding them. This Navy Captain wasn't on the bright side. Luckily, his Captain was, and at once, Marxo was on the bow shouting orders. Melany, who finally decided to make an appearance, was to stay on the ship, she would a liability. Jackal was to take his big ass and deal with the grunts, while Xerxes could deal with the monkey of a Captain. He had little qualms with this plan, the only problem was the fact that a presence seemingly much stronger then most of them had appeared, dressed an a white coat. Xerxes made no move to confront the presence, instead, Marxo took that up for himself, wasting not time to greet and chat up the presence. All that was left was the gorilla, and the other Navy ship that seemed like reinforcements. With that in mind, Xerxes decided to make quick work of the main ship, and move on to the other. As if on que, the man ship collided with the harbor, the screeching of metal on stone and the cracking of wooden planks could be heard and felt throughout the island. That wouldn't sit well with the people. The force of the ships attack caused a gust to ruffle his high up-turned collar, rapping gently against his nose. Once 'docked', hundreds of Marines, disembarked, mostly running towards the giant rhino that was Jackal. Xerxes went straight for the main course. Creating a spark and a small explosion on the soles of his feet, he launched him self onto the ships deck, finding himself a few yards away from its captain. It was a large man, very hairy and extremely muscular, it was almost as if he was a gorilla. In the end it didn't matter. [color=Crimson]"Afternoon, Captain, your quick to respond to any sign of trouble with unwavering stupidity."[/color] Xerxes mocked, his eyes seemingly growing brighter by the second behind his mask.