[@Sep] You cool with me establishing a place for non-essential members of the ship to gather before lift-off? I imagine an open space like a park within the Hub where the ceiling essentially clicks over to a surrounding display of Earth slowly disappearing. Think of it like a firework show. Obviously we won't go that far until lift-off ;). [quote=@Sep] So here's a question, I have things planned. Though what are you wanting to get from this RP? for you and your characters? [/quote] I would like to see deep character development allowed to progress and really have a significant effect. We have a number of characters with principles that may go beyond their own lives, or even their value of others aboard the ship. I would love to see these values lead to repercussions. For example, if Benjamin had to decide between the lives of a handful of non-essential crew or the Archive he would choose the latter -- not only because it's his job, but because he truly believes human culture is the key to survival. I imagine the dreamy, exploration-welcomed sense I got when first playing Mass Effect and hope we have a chance to craft such a dynamic world here as well.