[hr][i][h1]Megan's group.[/h1][/I][hr] [I][u]Oakdell Harbor, White Coast[/u][/I] "...So, Do we have any leads on our friend Missy?" Ray asked. "Oh, nothin' yet, love," Megan said with her hands behind her head. "I was thinking we take a break." "A break?" Ray asked. "With our enemies aware we're after them?" "Yes, my point exactly," Megan answered. "Since they're on alert now, we can spare a day or two to let them ease up a little." The group was walking on the streets of Oakdell Harbor. They were rather casually dressed, sans for Rush, who was still dressed like he was in his workshop. Wearing a black longcoat, goggles, and work boots (along with a blue shirt, and jeans under that). Most notably, the Nemesis was walking among them. Holding the massive umbrella that was keeping the rain from touching the group. "At the same time, they could be looking to retaliate," Ray said. "If they haven't went off the grid yet," Megan answered. "Yeah, Missy threw things off for us... I'll have to-" "Ray, sweetheart," Megan answered. "When we find her, let me do the talking." Grumbling for a moment, Ray said, "Fine." The Nemesis stopped for a moment, and everyone took notice because they were so engrossed in their conversation they stepped into the rain. Megan looked back up at Nemesis. "Oh, what is it, Nemy?" Megan asked. The Nemesis pointed across the street, at someone who was wearing a tattered cloak. "Oh," Megan said. "That [I]does[/I] look awfully suspicious, now doesn't it?" "Yeah, but it's also not our problem," Ray callously said. "But, I'm curious now," Megan said. "Can one of you lovely boys tail 'em for me?" "No," Ray said. The Nemesis shook his head. "Possibly," Rush stated. "This person could be of use to us." "Yeah, yeah, yeah," Megan said. "Think about it! Who else has reason to walk around in a big old cloak in the middle of summer? Another freakazoid like us!" "...Freakazoid?" Ray asked. "Yes... trust me on this; we're going to make a new friend at the end of this!" [hr][h1][I][color=00ff7f]Rori Aherne[/color].[/I][/h1][hr] [I][u]Oakdell Harbor, White Coast[/u][/I] Rori wasn't sure why they had ended up at Oakdell Harbor. It had seemed like a good idea in their mind; a relaxing walk along the harbour. Of course it wasn't quite working like that. It was busy. And Rori could feel people's stares and their whispers. It had been okay beforehand. Now they were quite obviously a bird-human freak. Not to mention the rain. They'd sent a text to Max once they were in the area - just in case the RAVEN agent had some free time. Sadly Rori's cousin was pretty bogged down with work. Rori understood so they had resolved themselves to walked about alone until they found a restaurant that they found comfortable eating in. It wasn't particularly fun for them but at least they were outside. Sighing softly they stopped outside a small food place and began to read over the menu. [hr][h1][I][color=darkslateblue]Reed[/color] & [color=gray]Quentin[/color] [color=darkslateblue]Tay[/color][color=gray]lor[/color].[/I][/h1][hr] [I][u]Oakdell Harbor, White Coast[/u][/I] Boy, it was one [I]hell[/I]of a view from here. Even in the rain, over the years Reed had come to appreciate the Washington-based city. Granted, it was a contrast from the sun-kissed summers of California but all the same, Baybridge was as good as home. It'd grown on him. From the canopied patio of the restaurant, which stood next to the edge of the harbour, one could see the lake from one end to the other. With the rainfall, it was enshrouded with a thin mist that reached as far as the bridge running across the center. Yeah, this was a whole world different to Verthaven. On the outside, anyways. Biting down a mouthful of the burger in his hand, Reed pushed back against the guardrail that he'd been leaning on and glanced over his shoulder to check on his brother, who'd already finished his. "Good food here, eh?" His brother seemed distracted, his gaze locked onto a small group of people across the street. Well, to be specific - one of the people in that group, the tallest one who held an umbrella overhead. It was strange, but Quentin got the feeling that he [I]knew[/I] that one from somewhere. "Quent?" Reed snapped his fingers again, finally drawing his attention. "I said, food's good here," he repeated. "Yeah, nice place." Quentin nodded in agreement, through his mind was somewhat wandered elsewhere. "Thanks, by the way." "You're the one who paid, should be me thanking you," Reed remarked with a chuckle. "Yeah, well... like I said, you've done good by me." Quentin countered, before returning the nod. "Anyway, I've gotta head back soon. Work's not done today." "Already?" Reed sighed, before nodding in acceptance, "Alright, guess I'll see you tomorrow." "See you," Quentin nodded, exchanging a hand shake with his brother, before turning and heading off round the corner, where his pickup was parked. Now on his own, Reed leant back against the rail once more and took another bite out of his burger. [hr][I][h1][color=salmon]Haruka Takashiro[/color], & Daphne "Holly" Hope.[/h1][/I] [hr][hider=God Eater 2: Rage Burst OST - An Extravagant Moment][youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6du1YfB9zqc[/youtube][/hider][hr] [b][code]Oakdell Harbor, White Coast_[/code][/b] Unlike the Sugarbush Tavern, 'The Lush' was situated further away from the dock, and the beach view wasn't as great as the former. Though it was much smaller and quieter, it was the kind of ambiance that Haruka preferred. After all the madness happening around Baybridge so far - two of which he happened to be at the scene of the incidents - he did deserve a good break. Taking a sip of Negroni from his glass, he then turned to Daphne, who had a Manhattan. "...It has been quite a while since we last saw each other." "Indeed," Daphne agreed, before she let out a sigh. It had been really hectic the past couple of weeks. "How are you feeling now? I know they already had you checked after the mall incident to make sure your Metahuman energy is stable and all..." She glanced at Haruka's bare neck. "I'm alright." Haruka gave the agent a reassuring smile, but dropped it the next second. "I am sorry about my selfish request - to keep this quiet from Shizu and Akemi. I don't want to make them worry about me." Daphne waved off his apology. "Ah, I can understand... but Shizuka is now one of the agents involved in the investigation of the Overload incidents. He will find out sooner or later." "I know," Haruka replied and shaked the glass, where the rock ice clinked against the frosted surface sharply. "Still... just don't tell him, for the time being. I'm fine... Really." "But don't drop your guard," Daphne cautioned him in a low voice. "We don't know who the next Metahuman target will be, or the location of the next attack." Haruka nodded curtly, then decided to change the topic to shift the attention away from himself. "I have been wondering... Is it possible for someone to possess multiple powers? Or even more than one power-type abilities?" "There are cases of Metahumans with more than one power type," Daphne began in her usual drawl, then taking a sip of her cocktail before continuing. "It is most common among power replicators - the degree of level can differ greatly from one replicator to another; for example, how much of the power they have copied from the original Metahuman, their knowledge or experience with the powers they have copied, and their command over the copied abilities stored within themselves." Recalling the time Haruka saw how Wendy could turn into paper and also able to manipulate fire at the market incident, maybe she was a power replicator like what Holly had just explained. Wendy was a good girl - he felt that she wasn't the type who would abuse her powers to hurt others - but he couldn't be so sure about other people, especially when the anti-Meta tension was at all-time high now. Seeing that Haruka had remained silent, Daphne went on, "Of course, that doesn't make them a particularly dangerous threat - they do have their own set of limitations and weaknesses, so they don't exactly have a lot of edge over single power-type Metahumans like us." Her kind face broke out a small smile. "The versatility of our powers is only limited by our own creativity - [I]you[/I] should know that better than anyone else." "...Yeah," was all Haruka said before he downed the rest of the liquor in the old-fashioned glass. "I really enjoyed chatting with you. Thank you for the trea---" Daphne raised a hand to cut him off. "You don't need to be so polite with me - we're a family. It is also the least I can do, since you clearly don't want your brother to come fussing over you." She then raised her glass and finished her drink. The mention of his overprotective twin made Haruka moody again. "...I wonder if Shizu is still busy with work even at this hour." "A lot of things have happened around the city," Daphne looked away and said in a sober tone. "Currently Ms. Keagan is leading the investigation for the Overloading case. Shizuka once joked with me that he probably would have to camp in the HQ from now on." Knowing Cindy (or at least, what Haruka could tell from the few times he actually had some sort of conversation with the African-American girl over the seven long years), he wasn't surprised that she was one of the few people who had a way to kick Shizuka out of his laziness. "...I think tonight I will just stay over at your apartment, then go back to Roseview tomorrow morning." "I don't mind." Daphne stood up and pass her keys to Haruka. "Can you go get my car first while I pay the bill?" "Sure. Later, then." With that, Haruka headed out of the bar with the keys. [hr] Just as the world was attempting to pick up the pieces of the last attack, it was time for another overload. The death and destruction was taking a heavy toll on the community - and all it took was a little bit more to throw them over the edge. The armored member of the Pure took position on a rooftop of a hotel, and aimed down the sight of his sniper rifle, taking aim at Haruka as the young man walked towards a car. He held his breath for a moment as he pulled the trigger, and a dart with a blue liquid came flying out of it. The dart found its mark; the cold tip stabbed into Haruka's neck, and the blue liquid coursed through his body, charging up the Metahuman energy within him. He dropped the keys in surprise as the air around him quickly picked up speed, and the gentle night breeze soon became a full-fledged windstorm, with him in the center of the storm's 'eye'. The palm trees swayed violently in the gale before the branches were snapped off the trunks, carried away together with the roof bits and signboards the raging gust had ripped from the buildings in the vicinity. However, it didn't end there - the openness of the coastal area provided [I]limitless[/I] air to feed and expand the whirlwind of destruction... into a tornado-hurricane that was completely out of Haruka's control. The storm uprooted the trees, where they fell over onto the shops and roads, crushing nearby vehicles beneath their trunk. Then it went on to suck up the wreckage, smashing into anything that was in the way - including shocked passers-by, and some were unfortunate enough to be killed by flying wooden planks and furniture. The roar of the wind drowned out the terrified screams beyond the calm eye zone, the safe haven where Haruka could only watch in stunned horror as his tempest continued to raze the dock area, reducing the once beautiful tourist district to rubble and chaos... But the super storm was showing no sign of slowing down - his despair was making the gale even stronger. The hurricane slowly spread out towards the beach... towards the... [hr][I][h1][color=salmon]Haruka[/color], [color=00ff7f]Rori[/color], [color=red]Meifeng[/color], [color=Springgreen]Cindy[/color], [color=dodgerblue]Lihua[/color], [color=cornflowerblue]Shizuka[/color], [color=gray]Quentin[/color] [color=darkslateblue]Reed[/color], & Megan's group.[/h1][sub]Written in collaboration with [@FernStone], [@Zombiedude101], & [@Tsukune].[/sub][/I][hr] [I][u]Oakdell Harbor, White Coast[/u][/I] Daphne had received the telepathic warning from her green friends, but it was already too late - a typhoon had begun to rage outside the pub. People were yelling everywhere, pushing the others out of their way as they tried to scramble out of the place. The RAVEN knew better than to run out into the storm blindly - she ducked under one of the heavier, sturdier tables, pulling the gaping bartender along with her. She then whipped out her comm-piece and tried to contact the Headquarters, "Th--- Agent Hope. Overlo--- Harbor. Need hel---" She frowned; there was too much static noise to get her call across clearly. She then turned to the bartender - shouting into his ear as loud as she could so that he could hear her above the roaring wind and deafening crashes from outside, "I'll try to - ask for help - but I need you - to watch my back - because I have - to concentrate." The bartender nodded grimly and gave her a thumbs-up. Satisfied with his response, Daphne closed her eyes, her mind diving deeper into the chloropathic network she had with the living plants in Baybridge - to send out an SOS to anyone who hopefully might be in contact with the floras in the Headquarters building. [hr] Something didn't feel right to Rori. Even when they were on the outskirts of the dock it soon became obvious exactly what was happening. A hurricane. There was no way this was natural - it couldn't start so quickly. Trying not to panic Rori crouched down, flapping their still sore wings against the increasing winds to try and stop themselves from being dragged up into them as they pulled out their phone. If they could call Max... No signal. That was hardly ideal. Moving slightly, in search for something to use to protect them from the hurricane, Rori kept themselves as calm as they could while people panicked around them. If they could get out from the winds they could call for help. That seemed like an impossible prospect, however. Maybe... just maybe they could do something if they got to the center. It was unlikely but it was worth a try. What was the worst that could happen? There was a chance they'd die either way. Concentrating as much as they could Rori began the painful transformation into a bird. [hr] While everyone else had split up, Lihua remained in the Sugarbush Tavern. She really needed to get back to Lijuan... but she could finish her drinks first. It would be shameful to return intoxicated. Ah. These were the thoughts and inner-conflicts of Lihua Zhao... deciding whether or not she should keep drinking. She merely sighed as she looked around, and got a good look at the people around her. The kind of people who were merely having some fun... she wished that she could feel the same way. Raging winds quickly interrupted the peace she was just enjoying a few moments ago, and made the woman livid. Her heart started racing as the wind smashed the windows in. The bar quickly fell to panic, and Lihua started to feel the same way. The first thing she did was look for cover... everyone was getting behind the bar. That was sufficient for her. Lihua grabbed her drink, before she got up with her hand in the air. She brought it down so hard that it caused the ground to shake, and then thick concrete spikes came out the ground and moved inwards to form a "flower" around Lihua. The wind merely hit against the stone, but there was another problem. Lijuan was still at the beach. That meant she was still in danger. Lihua quickly whipped out her phone, and went through her contacts until she found Meifeng - the best person to save Lijuan right now - and pressed call... but the wind interfered with the phone call, and that made Lihua nearly break it in her hand. As stupid as it sounded, Lihua was going have to do this herself. Because Lihua would rather die trying to save Lijuan then learn that she had died. [hr] The light rain drizzle was replaced with raging wind as the umbrella the Nemesis was holding was utterly blown out of his hand. "Oh?!" Megan said as she grounded herself and looked behind her. Suddenly, she was smack dab in the middle of a hurricane. "Was this on the weather, lads?" Ray slammed both of his fists together, and looked at Megan, "No," Ray said. "But, I have a feeling that someone caused this." "Possibly. The Hands of Science?" Rush asked, before... "Actually, think we should get the hell out of this before we start throwing around conspiracy theories," Ray was quick to bark. "Agreed," Rush said. "Maybe help just a... [I]little?[/I]" Megan said, putting her fingers together as closely as possible. Shaking his head, Ray knew that it would be a waste of time to argue with Megan. "Fine, let's just go!" The four ran as far away from the growing tornado as possible. [hr] "Look, girl, I don't think you're old enough-" "I am," Missy said as she casually sat on the bar stool at a beach side bar. It was a Hawaiian bar, manned by a Hawaiian man. He was drying off some cups as he gave Missy a skeptical look. Well, anyone with sense would since she's wearing a white hoodie, with jean shorts, and kept her surgical mask on. She didn't exactly look normal. She reached into her hoodie, and pulled out a wallet, reaching inside, she grabbed an ID. It was made by a contact of Megan... and it was mostly accurate. It should say she's born in June, lived in Minnesota, and, most importantly, old enough to drink. The man looked at it, and merely shrugged. "Minnesota, huh? That's quite a ways away." "I'm visiting with some friends," Missy said as she looked away. "Oh? Where are they, huh?" the bartender asked. Silent for a moment, Missy replied with a quick, "...We're having a bit of a rough patch," Missy said, as the bartender finally put her Hawaiian drink on the counter, and Missy started drinking it... even though it did nothing to her. She just wanted a taste. "Oh, what kind?" "Don't want to talk about it," Missy immediately said... she should get back to them and apologize. She had ruined everything for them... and she was certain they were looking for her. Her train of thought was interrupted when a sudden scream heralded wind changes. Missy immediately dropped her drink when she was reminded of a previous event. [I]That city.[/I] Her heart started racing as she looked up at the growing destruction, having to ground herself so she wouldn't fall over. Missy looked to the left, and there was a redhaired tough-girl trying to get away from the chaos when she was suddenly crushed by a stray rock. Her screams came to an abrupt end as all that was left was blood flowing from all directions. Missy shook her head. Her name was Reyna Baker, but Missy will never know that. That wasn't the first time she'd seen that. She needs to quickly get to safety... but something was telling her it wouldn't be simple. [hr] Reed had only barely finished up his meal when the weather first started to change abruptly. It wasn't until he turned and saw the immense storm forming over the leg, sweeping clouds of dust from the beach and forming into a vortex. Glass cracked and shattered as the restaurant windows were bombarded with debris. Reed realized in an instant just how shitty things were going and how people were going to get caught up. Bursting into the restaurant, he yelled, "Everyone, get under something solid! Stay away from the windows!" before bolting in a sprint towards the beach [I]There were still people there, families, even[/I] - and Reed wasn't about to just sit back and watch them die. If anyone had a shot at coming out, it was him - and it was his duty to get people out. Raising a hand over his head to shield himself from the dust clouds, Reed kept calling at the top of his voice, looking for anyone else still trapped. In the distance he could make out what he thought to be a little girl, with a [I]collar[/I] around her neck... [hr] While Meifeng and Cindy were heading towards Prince Ed-Field, the group's earpiece began to loudly buzz, "Agents! We have a problem in Oakdell Harbor, another suspected overload incident, get there immediately!" "Shit," Meifeng said as she looked at Cindy. "We literally just left there, how the hell did it jump off so fast?" She was honestly confused. "If it's another overload, we need to get there, pronto." They both nodded at each other, before they both drove off back towards Oakdell, after Cindy turned the sirens on in her car. Fortunately, since the entire group wasn't that far off from Oakdell. All they had to do was turn back around, and speed around the traffic desperately heading away from it. However, Cindy's vehicle came to a slowed stop. "Ho-ly... shit..." Cindy said as she emerged from the vehicle in full view of the tornado that was taking place, and utterly destroying Oakdell Harbor. She pressed her earpiece, and all she heard was static. "Sh-shit," Cindy hissed. "Comms are down... I think we should take this one carefully - because backup ain't gonna come easily." "Heh... just makes it a little more challenging... no biggie..." Meifeng confidently said... before she stopped. "...But where the hell do we even start?" Just then, a blue FZ-09 skidded to an abrupt halt right behind the girls' car; the tinted helmet visor was pushed up to reveal the narrowing eyes of Shizuka. He then got down the bike and pulled off the helmet, striding up next to Cindy. "...They really got us this time - overloading a weather manipulator near the fucking ocean - and it's going to be [I]hell[/I] trying to clean up all this shit later." "We need to find out who's overloading, and take them out..." Meifeng groaned as she watched the destruction. "There's going to be a [I]lot[/I] of bodies if we don't..." Shizuka wasn't listening - his eyes were still fixated on the growing cyclone. Something was telling him that whoever had overloaded this time was someone he knew... Only one way to find out. Ignoring the bad chill crawling across his skin, he sprinted into the storm. [hr] The Pure sniper had done his job, he decided to quickly make his get away... He quickly turned around and ran for the door. He quickly ran down the flight of stairs, and hauled ass. There was a total windstorm outside, so he had to be quick. He didn't know that this would happen, but he had to clear the scene quickly. People were also trying to escape through the flight of stairs, and the armored member of the Pure shoved them aside as he made his escape. Once he was on the second floor, there were just too many people (this escape was getting messy enough with so many witnesses). Turning out the nearest door, the armored member of the Pure ran through an open hotel room, and hopped off the balcony onto a nearby rooftop, where he landed with a roll. He kept running. [hr] Before the group could spring into action, Cindy caught sight of a man in armor jumping out of a hotel room window, and running it from there. She pointed at him. "Yo, that doesn't look right, does it?" Cindy said. "A man running around in armor in the middle of a storm?" Meifeng said as she put her hand on her jawline. "I feel like we found our guy." "Just go after him," Cindy said, nodding her head. "I'll handle things here." "You're the DOVE," Meifeng said with a nod as she ran off after the man. She wished she could call it in, but she's going to be winging it from here. Cindy merely watched Meifeng run off. "...Yeah, I'm the DOVE." There was much work that had to be done here. First thing's first; a shield is in order. There were tons of broken glass, so Cindy at least had something to start with. She quickly gathered the glass into four octagon shaped pieces of glass. She had enough glass to make a good shield in case anything went wrong. [I]Time to get to work.[/I] [hr] Throughout the nightmare storm, Missy was gradually moving her way towards the "eye" that she precieved. All she had to do was look up... That was easier said than done. Every time she looked up, dust or some other stuff of debris would fly up into her eye. She grunted as she had to put her arm up over her face as she growled. Whoever was responsible for this was pissing her off. She was going to take that fucker out soon as possible. Despite that, she kept moving closer and closer to the source... and saw this beautiful beach get destroyed. It would be years before it's looking pristine again. Missy just hated senseless destruction like this, which was why she's going to be the one that would bring an end to this. The hard way. Seemingly the only way she knew how. Getting through to the heart of the storm was a challenge, but Missy did it. She was standing in the one spot that was clear of the windstorm, and there was only one other person here. She saw a black-haired Asian male floating slightly up into the air, and his hands were clutching the side of his head. Missy looked off to the side for a moment. "...This isn't anything personal," Missy said to him. "I don't know if this is on purpose or not... but I have to bring an end to this." Haruka looked down to see a queer figure in a hoodie and shorts, the face covered by a surgical mask. He tried to speak, but his lips were trembling badly from the increasing coldness he was feeling from the windstorm. He then wrapped his arms around his shivering frame. Whoever this person was, she was right - since he couldn't do it, then someone else would have to end this. To stop his uncontrollable tornado from destroying more land, killing more people... and reaching the sea. A spear made out of bone erupted from Missy's palm that was the same length as her arm. It was coated in blood and flesh, a horrid sight. But Missy didn't think any of it. She pulled her arm back, and charged towards Haruka with murderous intent... Haruka inhaled sharply with shock at the sight of the bloodied spear, but he then closed his eyes. If the only way to stop this tempest of destruction was to kill him, then so be it... ...But, once she got a good look at his face, she stopped. "Y-you..." Missy groaned to herself. "...You l-look fa-[I]familiar[/I]..." She trailed off, bringing herself to a stop. Haruka opened his eyes, staring at the masked girl with confusion. Before he could probe her further about her strange words, he was distracted again by another voice - this time a male one, and it sounded extremely familiar to him, "[I]---The hell you think you're doing to my brother?[/I]" Right when Missy was addressed, she turned around and looked over her shoulder. It was a RAVEN, she could tell from the armor... but, his hair. There was no mistake. Missy quickly retracted the bone spear, and it disappeared into her hand. Her regenerative factor quickly went to work and it wasn't long until there wasn't even a trace. She didn't say anything to him, she just couldn't risk it. Shizuka glowered at Missy, his stony eyes traveled from her suspicious mask to the surprised look on his twin's pale face. Before anyone could react, he stepped forward and grabbed onto Haruka, expanding his intangibility power to his brother; Haruka's body shuddered, and he could feel the telekinetic link the storm had with him to use him to feed the tornado with more air was suddenly cut off. Haruka then fell down onto the ground; he felt really tired and his consciousness was slipping, but there was still one more thing he had to do before passing out. Even though the whirlwind had stopped growing, it still continued to spin and suck up the wreckage into its vortex. Raising a shaky hand into the air, he poured whatever energy he had left to will the tornado to ease up. The speed of the wind gradually slowed down; flying debris rained down onto the ground around the three. Finally the deadly cyclone was all gone but leaving the gentle night breeze, before Haruka blacked out from exhaustion. Looked like someone else had taken care of this. Missy was astonished that the situation ended so easily... and here she was, about to put that spear square through his skull. She stared at her palm for a second, and wondered. [I]What am I becoming?[/I] She shook her head, and quickly decided to clear the scene. Last thing she wanted to do was get picked up by RAVEN. Missy threw her hoodie back up, and hopped away, quickly making her way to the rooftops, and ultimately ending up out of sight. Shizuka had completely ignored the mysterious hoodie girl - his attention was only on his unconscious twin, who had always been (and would always be) his utmost priority. He frowned at the emptied dart still stuck on Haruka's neck, but he didn't pull it out and simply left it there. As he picked up his brother in his arms, a rustling sound not far from him made him turned his head. He raised an eyebrow at the sight of the slim figure of Daphne emerging from the wreck with a disheveled bartender. Both were seemingly unhurt - they only had a few scratches, nothing serious. "Shizuka!" the chloropathic agent called out to the fellow RAVEN. "Thank goodness!" "Holly," Shizuka greeted his senior in a deadpan tone. "...I'll leave the rest to you while I get Haru to the hospital ASAP." "Understood," Daphne replied with a curt nod, watching the departing twins with suppressed worry. After a moment, she pressed her comm-piece. "To all agents: the overloaded victim has been secured..." [hr] The Pure sniper was running away, quickly taking the fire escape down to the streets. However, Meifeng was hot in pursuit, riding a wave. She was trying to catch him off guard before he got away (or the situation would escalate). At the same time, Quentin pulled forward in front of the extremist's path in his pickup, having been hot on their tail since the call went out over the radio on his dash. The Pure sniper came to a complete stop, and quickly reached for his sidearm - a Smith & Wesson 40 - and tried to run around the vehicle. His intention was not to kill the man unless he repeatedly got in his way. He didn't even waste time trying to get a good look at him. It was a perfect opportunity for Meifeng to get to get the drop off him. She hopped off her water spout, absorbing the water into her pocket dimension, before landing with a roll. Meifeng shot the water out at his feet, and froze it, and made the Pure sniper slip, and nearly broke his neck when he hit the ground. Quentin practically jumped out of the pickup, sidearm in hand as the sniper hit the frozen gravel. "Drop it!" he yelled, well aware of the S&W in his clasp. The Sniper was about to aim for his gun, when he felt the Meifeng's pistol press against the back of his skull. "Yeah, I'd do as he says." With no other option, the Pure sniper tossed the gun away. "Hands behind your head, don't move an inch. You're coming in for questioning." Meifeng said, as she looked at the ensignia on his shoulder... It was the fist of the Pure. Which meant her armored friend here was definitely with the Pure. If walking around with guns wasn't enough to bag him. "Quent, mind cuffing him?" "Got it," he nodded, quickly slipping a hand beneath his jacket and withdrawing a pair of cuffs from his concealed duty belt. Wasting no time, he grasped the extremist by the wrist, slapped one of the cuffs on, then wrenched the other wrist around and clasped the other cuff on it. Nodding her head, Meifeng looked up at the sky and noticed that the weather was starting to clear. She smiled as Shizuka's message finally reached her. "Heh, good work Shizuka." Meifeng spoke into the comms. But, enough of that, she had to get this guy to a RAVEN vehicle, and into an interrogation cell. "This is Agent Rogue Wave, me and Agent Counterpoint have apprehended a member of the Pure suspected in the overloads. Taking him to HQ now." Meifeng looked at Quentin, and said, "Let's get him out of here." "Meet you at the interrogation," he nodded. [hr] The monstrous Nemesis was utterly undettered by the windstorm. He was so heavy that he was effectively grounded. He slowly moved over to a car that was overturned (with an unfortunate woman with her foot trapped underneath it), and lifted it up so high the car was above even his head. Megan quickly ran up, and pulled the woman to safety, before the Nemesis dropped the car. Going to help anyone else the brute could find. Which left Megan with the woman who's leg was literally crushed. She was screaming in pain, and Megan looked down. "[I]Ouch,[/I]" Megan said as she looked at her. "You're not walking on that for awhile." She needed to get this woman to safety! "Dexter!" Megan called, and her red haired assistant came running up. She grabbed onto the woman's shoulders. "Help me get this woman to safety!" "Affirmative." Dexter said as he lifted the woman lower body. "Wait. Megan. Your strength. Clearly superior." "Just help me, Dexter!" Megan said as she lifted the woman up with the help of Rush, and went towards some paramedics. Ray, meanwhile, was dealing with the brunt of the windstorm. Cars were being sent flying, and Ray was the man for the job. He was running down the street, and conveniently noticed a car flying right towards him. He came to a skidding stop, and cocked his fist back, and threw the punch that summoned a dark-blue, transparent, copy of his fist. That punched the vehicle away, and the runaway car flew into a storefront. Right after that, there was a bus that was skidding towards a group of people that were pinned between a wall (apparently helping a wounded member of their group). He had to act fast. He shot both of his hands out, and the same giant telekinetic copies of his hands appeared and stopped the moving bus. "This must be one hell of a windstorm..." Ray groaned to himself as he closed the distance until he was behind the bus with them. It was easier to focus this way. However, the bus didn't stop. Which meant Ray was going have to put more effort into this one. He took a step forward, and several smaller hands appeared. He looked over his shoulder at the injured group. "The hell are you waiting for?! Get out of here!" However, the Nemesis walked up to the bus, and started pushing as hard as he could. Which was enough strength to bring the bus to a stop. Which made Ray sigh in relief as the family left. Ray flew up over the bus, while the Nemesis scrolled around. The group met up again in an intersection while the storm was dying down. "Great, great, great!" Megan cheerfully said. "We all did our part!" Ray merely shrugged. "Can we get out of here now?" Ray asked. "I don't think we want to be around when RAVEN, DOVE, and whoever the hell else swarms the area." He dusted off his gloves. "Sure, sur-" Megan said. "Wait!" Missy dropped in, and landing on a vehicle before them. "Oh, [I]dropping in[/I] are you, Missy?" Megan teasingly said... hoping to break the tension between Ray and Missy because she can just see the look on his face. "I... came back to apologize," Missy hung her head in shame. "And rejoin the Megan company?!" Megan cheerfully said. She tilted her head off to the side. "...Yes." Missy said. "And there's a few things I have to say." "...How about we say them later?" Ray said, throwing a thumb over his shoulder at the approaching sirens. "The last thing we want to be is spotted by the cops." "'Kay, let's move." Megan said as the group left. ...The Nemesis was disappointed that he lost his umbrella.