What I want from the Rp is not much different than anyone else's wants. I don't participate in that many RPs, not many click with me, so if this actually lasted a while, it'd be nice. Most of the ones I've played in the past died before I could actually do much with my characters, and I have a bit of a broad idea of where I could go with Jameson. Right now, it's just three-ish general routes: 1) Jameson's reintegration into the population, coming to terms with his past 2) Falling deeper into the rut he's dug himself into, becoming less sane and sociable as time passes or 3) Just straight up becoming a killer. That one I'm a bit excited about. That being said, I feel Jameson could go really anywhere. All you guys studying Psychology scare me, too, lol. I feel like any mistakes or missteps I make developing Jameson are going to be scrutinized to the holy fuck. If I was going to college, I'd be studying psychology too, so I hope I learn something from you smarties.