[quote=@Sep] So here's a question, I have things planned. Though what are you wanting to get from this RP? for you and your characters? [/quote] I honestly can't say character development enough, it's my favorite part of writing. Well no, second favorite. My first favorite is actually creating the characters themselves. It'll be interesting to see relationships unfold and watch how the environment and circumstances affect each character and the way they think of and treat others. I also love the creative freedom that comes along with sci-fi RPs and it's been a while since I've come across a sci-fi RP that wasn't [i]just[/i] military focused. I'm really loving how it feels so much like Stargate. If we do encounter other aliens I might be tempted to create another scientist character for the specific purpose of studying and interacting with them. As hard as it is for me to keep up in the OOC I'm also really glad to see so much activity, you're right Sep it's a sign of a healthy RP even though we've just barely gotten started. [quote=@Lo Pellegrino] [@Sep] You cool with me establishing a place for non-essential members of the ship to gather before lift-off? I imagine an open space like a park within the Hub where the ceiling essentially clicks over to a surrounding display of Earth slowly disappearing. Think of it like a firework show. Obviously we won't go that far until lift-off ;). [/quote] I would imagine they could still have this, but that all other screens/television would be broadcasting the [i]Vitae[/i]'s launch so people can watch it almost anywhere including their own private rooms.